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Updated: August 13, 2024

When? Now?" "As soon as you like." "Right, I'm ready," I said, without a moment's hesitation, little thinking of the nature of the adventure upon which I was so eager to embark. And so it came about. Provided with the necessary cash, and an Aeroscope camera, I started off next day, and the following chapters record a few of my adventures in search of pictorial material for the screen.

Kennedy shrugged his shoulders non-committally, as if he had never heard of the patent office or the gyroscope in his life. The men were listening, whether or not from loyalty I could not tell. "Let us see your gyroplane, I mean aeroscope whatever it is you call it," asked Kennedy. Norton took the cue. "Now you newspaper men are the first that I've allowed in here," he said.

The machine was the usual type of passenger-carrying aero, numbered BE 2C, a very stable and reliable machine, but according to the Captain, not very fast. Speed in this case was not an absolute necessity, unless a Fokker favoured us with his attentions. I went aboard to find the best means of fixing and operating my camera. I decided to use my debrie, not the aeroscope.

He dived into a dug-out at the first shell which burst near. At that moment another "crump" crashed down and exploded with a crunching roar, throwing a large quantity of earth all around me. One after another came over in quick succession. "Where the devil is that fellow?" I said to . "He's got my aeroscope. When brother Fritz has smoothed down this little 'strafe' I will try and find him."

The Aeroscope, a huge steel arm that lifts a double decked cabin more than two hundred and fifty feet above the ground and then swings it around in a great circle over the Zone, is one of the thrillers. The Joy Zone has suffered from the excellence of the Exposition to which it is the side-show.

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