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Updated: August 18, 2024

He has often told me since, however, that he has fits of wishing that he could have put in a life with us in the North, rather than spending it in the more civilized circles of the New York Bar. Many invitations to speak, especially at universities in America, and through a lecture agency in England to numerous societies and clubs, led me to devote the winter of 1913-14 to a lecture tour.

You would never have supposed that Lawrence, Captain of the University Rugger during his last two years, Captain of the English team through all the Internationals of the season 1913-14, could have had anything in common, except football, with Dune, artist and poet if ever there was one.

She was known to have entered into no binding alliance with France or Russia; the peace had never in all their history been broken between the two great Protestant Powers; and, while there had been serious naval and colonial rivalry and some diplomatic friction, relations in 1913-14 seemed to have entered calmer waters.

1913-14. $25,000, county farm advisers. 20,000, soil experiments. 30,000, agricultural investigations. 5,000, promotion of corn growing. 12,000, soil survey. 50,000, hog-cholera serum work. 2,500, orchard demonstration. 10,000, agricultural laboratories. 12,000, animal husbandry. 5,000, dairying. 1912. $20,000, demonstration of dry-land farming.

Of course this antagonism had increased with the increase in 1913-14 of the effective strength of the standing army, bringing a material increase in the numbers of officers and non-commissioned officers who represent military professionalism.

Countess Lulu von Thurheim, My Life, 1788-1852. German edition, Munich, 1913-14. Grafen von Montgelas, Denwürdigkeiten des bayrischen Staatsministers Maximilian. See also Dr. Karl Soll, Der Wiener Kongress. Varnhagen von Ense. Friedrich von Gentz. Dr. Karl Soll, Count Carl von Nostitz. Cf. Dr. Karl Soll, Der Wiener Kongress. Dr. Karl Soll, Friedrich von Gentz. Dr.

In a few cases only disappointment has resulted from the changes made, and commission government is still in its experimental stage. 277. =The City Manager.= A modification of the commission plan was tried in several cities of the South and Middle West in 1913-14. This has been called the city-manager plan.

Early in the winter of 1913-14, the Crown Prince showed his collection of Napoleana to a beautiful American woman of my acquaintance, and said that he hoped war would occur while his father was alive, but, if not, he would start a war the moment he came to the throne.

Austria, not without the usual instigation, proposed to Italy a joint attack upon Serbia; the offer was not accepted, but by the winter of 1913-14 the Kaiser had gone over to the party which had resolved upon war and was seeking an occasion to palliate the cause.

A large number of thoughtful people all over the land were beginning to share this view. In New York City a new sort of agitation was devised in the winter of 1913-14 under the captaincy of a young man who quite suddenly found himself widely advertised.

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