United States or Ireland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Umiro had now become possessed of 103 guns and several large cases of cartridges, in addition to those in the pouches of the soldiers. Night favoured the retreat, and the remnant of the expedition under Lazim returned by forced marches to Fatiko.

In every case there was much more earth below than above; the mean weight of that above being 103 grains, and of that below 205 grains; so that the latter was very nearly double the former. As on level ground castings are commonly thrown up almost equally round the mouths of the burrows, this difference in weight indicates the amount of ejected earth which had flowed down the slope.

Two seats have since been disfranchised, and we thus arrive at 103 the figure at which the representation of the country stands to-day. The disproportion from which Ireland suffered at the time of the Union had become still more acute by the time of the great Reform Bill, and no one can seriously suggest that the addition of five seats redressed the inequality.

The Republic of Uruguay has 72,210 square miles of territory, and is the smallest of the ten countries of South America. Its population is only 1,103,000, but the Liebig Company, "which manufactures beef tea for the world, owns nearly a million acres of land in Uruguay. The republic seems well governed, but, as in all Spanish-American countries, the ideas of right and wrong are strange.

There's a law of the United States against it. The river may be rising by the time we get to 103, and in that case we'll run it. We are drawing how much? 'Six feet aft, six and a half forward. 'Well, you do seem to know something.

See Professor Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise, vol. i. Introduction, pp. 1, 2. See Mitchell's Three Expeditions in Australia, vol. ii. p. 13. See Oxley's Journal, pp. 103, 244. Changes of this sort in the seasons, affecting so powerfully the appearance of whole districts, cannot but have a proportionable effect on particular spots.

Lawson is accredited with saying that among the Marquesan tribe he knew of a woman who during a single night had intercourse with 103 men. Among the older writers there are instances reported in which erection and ejaculation took place without the slightest pleasurable sensation.

It was shot and the Indians carried away three black whelps to improve the breed of their dogs. I purchased one of them, intending to send it to England, but it perished for want of proper nourishment. The latitude of these tents was 53 degrees 12 minutes 46 seconds North, and longitude by chronometers 103 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds West.

We then proceeded on the bearing of 103 degrees, and made the Bogan at a spot where its banks were beautiful, and the grass of better quality than any we had seen for some time. September 8. Proceeding in a south-south-east direction we crossed, at seven miles, a creek, which I took for that of Tandogo, and thereupon turned towards the south-east.

The rate of mortality varied from 59.4 in Portsmouth through an ascending scale, being in London 78.6 and in Liverpool the almost incredible proportion of 103.6 per thousand. In a rural country infant mortality does not exceed from thirty-five to forty per thousand.