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That there was little congeniality between husband and wife cannot be doubted, yet Mme. de La Fayette's own letters go to prove that for a time at least she was not unhappy. In a letter to Ménage, written from Auvergne soon after her marriage, she says: "La solitude que je trouve ici m'est plutôt agréable qu'ennuyeuse.

... The heart which had been... preserved in spirits of wine was put into a small silver Vase, the stomach in another, and both placed in the coffin with the body. Mr. Rutledge, assistant surgeon of the 20th regiment, was the person who soldered up the vases in which the heart and stomach were placed, and saw them put into the coffin, the undertakers being also present.

After a hard struggle he was forced to give up his business at Nîmes and moved to Lyons . He was not successful here, and finally, in 1856, the family was broken up. The sons now had to shift for themselves. These first sixteen years of Alphonse Daudet's life were far from unhappy. He had found delight in exploring the abandoned factory at Nîmes.

And when they met me, as they saw Their woe had touched my sympathies, The oldest turned to me and cried: "Oh, do you know where Heaven is? "Our father died a year ago, And mother told us, when he died, That he had crossed a river deep, And Heaven was on the other side. And when we asked her where he was, She always said: "In Heaven, I know"; And told us we could go to him.

No attempt was made to produce false antique ballads until the true antiques had again risen in public esteem. H. B. WHEATLEY, Introduction

46 11 De guerre lasse: for de guerre las 'tired of struggling. Final s was pronounced in Old French, after it was no longer pronounced in most words it still continued to be sounded in las in the expression de guerre las because of the presence of the feminine guerre whence the erroneous spelling lasse. 46 12 dessus: adverb, cf. note to 1 6.

The young ruler died on December 5, 1560. The agitation of the Court was so great that neither his mother nor any of his family paid him the last duties, and his body was borne to St. Denis accompanied only by two noblemen and the Bishop of Senlis. She was the daughter of Lorenzo de Medici and the niece of Pope Clement VII. Her marriage with Henry II. took place at Marseille, October 28, 1533.

True it was that that illustrious individual had enjoy'd in a very high degree the confidence of his noble friend's deceased relative; and true it also was, that none of the great measures which had been resolved upon at vienna and at Paris had been concerted or carried on without the intervention of that illustrious person.

La vieille, dans son verre, noya son émotion. Deux jours avant, reprit-elle, j'étais venue lui faire les ongles, ici, car c'était sa chambre. Sur le mur, près de la fenêtre, avec son canif, il écrivait dans la pierre quelque chose. Regarde, ça se voit encore. Was it not Fate, that, on this July midnight...

I need not say that I attach no credit to this report, and that I believe you have endeavoured, by conciliatory means, to adjust the difference. At the same time, as you have acted in the belief that the spanish government were right in their pretensions, it is clear that your advice, whatever it was, and you do not describe it particularly, could not be expected to produce much effect.