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And when they met me, as they saw Their woe had touched my sympathies, The oldest turned to me and cried: "Oh, do you know where Heaven is? "Our father died a year ago, And mother told us, when he died, That he had crossed a river deep, And Heaven was on the other side. And when we asked her where he was, She always said: "In Heaven, I know"; And told us we could go to him.

«I am in daily expectation that the four Priests who were applied for sometime ago, from Savoy, will arrive here, and not a moment's time shall be lost in sending them to Canada.

The progress of the British army in Asia has been marked by a scrupulous reference to justice, an inviolable respect for property, an abstinence from anything which could tend to wound the feelings and prejudices of the people; and the result is this that I saw, not many weeks ago, a distinguished military officer who had just returned from the center of Afghanistan, from a place called Candahar which many of you perhaps never heard of, and told me that he, accompanied by half a dozen attendants, but without any military escort, had ridden on horseback many thousand miles, through a country inhabited by wild and semibarbarous tribes who, but two years ago, were arrayed in fierce hostility against the approach of British arms, but that he had ridden through them all with as much safety as he could have ridden from Tiverton to John Great's house, his name as a British officer being a passport through them all, because the English had respected their rights, and afforded them protection, and treated them with justice.

To Daudet the choice of proper names was always a matter for careful consideration. On the Tarasque cf. note to 325. 1 2 il y a ... de cela: 'that was ... ago, lit. 'there are ... from that. 1 3 je m'en souviens: 'I remember it. Se souvenir de quelque chose, hence s'en souvenir (en replacing de + a pronoun); cf. changer de chanson, en changer 7 5, revenir de l

In quelle parti sotto tramontana Sono li monti della calamita, Che dan virtute all' aere[D] Di trarre il ferro; ma perchè lontana, Vole di simil pietra aver aita, A far la adoperare, E dirizzar lo ago in ver la stella. Ma voi pur sete quella Che possedete i monti del valore[E] Onde si spande amore: E gi