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I was the first to hear the noise, and cried, "Who's there? what is it?" all in a breath. "The wool-shed on fire," murmured F , in a tone of agonized conviction. "It's you that's wanted, please mum, this moment, over at the home station!" I heard Pepper say, in impatient tones. "It's the wool-shed," repeated F , more than half asleep, and with only room for that one idea in his dreamy mind.

So they had dropped in to see old George, the rouseabout, and have a yarn with him, or, if there were no signs of the weather clearing, to consider the question of work in the wool-shed. "Hullo, boys!" mumbled George. "I reckon as thar' ain't no use us gittin' art jist now. I thinks the fire's the best place ter day. Squat yerself in that thar cheer, Mac, me boy.

Close to us the main river had parted above and united below a small mamane tree with bracken under its shadow, and there are several oases of the same kind. I have twice been down to the larger world of the wool-shed, when tired of strips of dried mutton and my own society. The hospitality there is as great as the accommodation is small.

'I didn't know there was any one then she stopped. 'Why aren't you dancing? I asked her. 'Oh, I'm tired, she said. 'It was too hot in the wool-shed. I thought I'd like to come out and get my head cool and be quiet a little while. 'Yes, I said, 'it must be hot in the wool-shed. She stood looking out over the willows.