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"It may be 'Absalom," said Flo. "We once knew an actor named Absalom, and he always called himself 'A. Judson Keith. He was a dignified chap, and when we girls one day called him 'Ab, he nearly had hysterics." "Mr. Werner had hysterics to-day," asserted Maud, gravely; "but I didn't blame him.

Werner courageously kept the foe at bay, but was wounded in the mêlée, and Margaretha, seeing her lover fall and being unable to reach him, took the trumpet and sounded the bugle-call he had taught her, hoping that her father would hear it and hasten his return.

The lamp in the lantern is smoking," said Sergey. Werner looked around. Indeed, the lamp in the lantern was smoking very much, and the glass had already turned black on top. "Yes, it is smoking." Suddenly he thought: "What have I to do with the smoking of the lamp, since " Sergey apparently thought the same, as he glanced quickly at Werner and turned away. But both stopped yawning.

C. W. Siemens had communicated the identical discovery ten days earlier, and both papers were read on the same day. It afterwards appeared that Herr Werner Siemens, Mr. Samuel Alfred Varley, and Professor Wheatstone had independently arrived at the principle within a few months of each other.

Among the most conspicuous in this demonstration were Brousse, Werner, Chopard, Schwitzguébel, Kropotkin, Pindy, Jeallot, Ferré, Spichiger, Guillaume, and George Plechanoff, recently arrived from St. Petersburg.

At Freyberg he received the private instruction of Werner, the founder of modern geology, and he had as his fellow-student no less a man than Leopold Von Buch, then a youth, to whom, at a later period, Humboldt himself dedicated one of his works, inscribing it "to the greatest geologist," as he was till the day of his recent death. But here ends his period of pupilage.

Werner shifted his horror-stricken eyes only a little and looked straight into those of the contractor staring through the sleepers. Torrance was moving his rifle to take aim. Below Werner fell a dizzy depth. Above him the rifle of one who had no reason to spare. The double peril added the touch that makes craven spirits desperate.

In point of fact I have to go down to the county Clare on some private business. You see the idea is to tour the chief towns. What you lose on one you can make up on the other. Quite so, Martin Cunningham said. Mary Anderson is up there now. Have you good artists? Louis Werner is touring her, Mr Bloom said. O yes, we'll have all topnobbers. J. C. Doyle and John MacCormack I hope and.

And thereupon they sent Werner, Baron of Attinghausen, Landammann of Uri, like his fathers before him and his posterity after him, to the Imperial Court. But the King was quarrelling with his Electors, and was in bad humor, and sent to Uri to forbid them from assessing land-rates on a convent there.

Werner is this: "Infanticide by legal parents has practically ceased in civilized countries, but abortion, its substitute, has not."