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Updated: August 19, 2024

Nor do I think that it can be disagreeable to you; because both of us, I believe, may sing the same song, though in a different way; for my debt is much the greater, seeing that God has forgiven me more, as you, my father, know. 2 Cor. v. 14: "Charitas enim Christi urget nos." See ch. xvii. section 12; Way of Perfection, ch. liii., but xxxi. of the old editions. See Relation, i. section 12.

And you maun understand, that Davy Ramsay is no mechanic, but follows a liberal art, which approacheth almost to the act of creating a living being, seeing it may be said of a watch, as Claudius saith of the sphere of Archimedes, the Syracusan "Inclusus variis famulatur spiritus astris, Et vivum certis motibus urget opus."

"Haec operis forma est: sic nobilis uritur Aetna: Terra foraminibus vires trahit, urget in artum, Spiritus incendit: vivit per maxima saxa." The poem concludes with an account of a former eruption, signalised by the miraculous preservation of two pious youths who ventured into the burning shower to carry their parents into a place of safety.

And when I asked him how he could possibly mention gentleness and constraint or violence in the same breath, he answered, "I can do so in the sense in which the Apostle says that the Charity of God presses us, constrains us, impels us, draws us, for such is the meaning of the word Urget.

So remote an analogy to sex could not assert itself pervasively. Thus Horace says: Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa perfusis liquidis urget odoribus grato, Pyrrha, sub antro?

They resemble in disposition and situation those conquerors whom the poet Lucan mentions: "Populi quos despicit Arctos, Felices errore suo, quos ille timorum Maximus haud urget leti metus, inde ruendi In ferrum, mens prona viris, amimaeque capaces, Mortis et ignavum rediturae parsere vitae."

Declaration sent by his Majesty's command to the commanders of his Majesty's fleets and armies employed against France and to his Majesty's ministers employed at foreign courts. Whitehall, Oct. 29, 1793 "Ut lethargicus hic, cum fit pugil, et medicum urget." See the Declaration. See Declaration, Whitehall, October 29, 1793.

But, I thank Heaven, I know, I feel I feel my innocence, my friend; and I would not part with that feeling for the world. For as long as I know I have never done, nor even designed, an injury to any being whatever, Pone me pigris ubi nulla campis Arbor aestiva recreatur aura, Quod latus mundi nebulae, malusque Jupiter urget.

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