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Updated: August 3, 2024

The first Roman demagogue by profession, Gaius Flaminius, added a second festival and a second circus ; and by these institutions the tendency of which is sufficiently indicated by the very name of the new festival, "the plebeian games" he probably purchased the permission to give battle at the Trasimene lake. When the path was once opened, the evil made rapid progress.

Hannibal might doubtless still hope for victories, but no longer such victories as those on the Trasimene lake and on the Aufidus; the times of the citizen-generals were gone by.

Hannibal retained as prisoners the Roman citizens and Latins, but released the rest of the captives, telling them that, far from being their enemy, he had invaded Italy for the purpose of liberating its helpless people from the tyranny of the Roman domination. The loss to the Carthaginians in the battle of Lake Trasimene was only fifteen hundred men.

I loved you before you loved me. Oh, I do not blush for it!" He gave her a glass of Asti. But there was a bottle of Trasimene. She wished to taste it, in memory of the lake which she had seen silent and beautiful at night in its opal cup. That was when she had first visited Italy, six years before. He chided her for having discovered the beauty of things without his aid.

Trebia and Trasimene had both lessened their strength, but their losses had been much heavier in the terrible march across the Apennines in the spring, and by fevers subsequently contracted from the pestiferous malaria of the marshes in the summer. In point of numbers the gaps had been filled up by the contingents furnished by their Gaulish allies.

There were occasions on which I should have voted against the old man, and the little American school-boys of to-day would have had to decline 'Mugwumpus' in consequence." And at the thought of Cannæ and Trasimene the nineteenth century Senator from Illinois fiercely pulled his beard.

I loved you before you loved me. Oh, I do not blush for it!" He gave her a glass of Asti. But there was a bottle of Trasimene. She wished to taste it, in memory of the lake which she had seen silent and beautiful at night in its opal cup. That was when she had first visited Italy, six years before. He chided her for having discovered the beauty of things without his aid.

And, as if this were not enough, immediately after the battle on the Trasimene lake, the cavalry of the army of Ariminum under Gaius Centenius, 4000 strong, which Gnaeus Servilius had sent forward for the temporary support of his colleague while he himself advanced by slow marches, was likewise surrounded by the Phoenician army, and partly slain, partly made prisoners.

A first attempt to wrest from the Egyptians the coast of Syria, the loss of which he sorely felt, had, in the year of the battle of the Trasimene lake, met with a bloody repulse from Philopator at Raphia; and Antiochus had taken good care not to resume the contest with Egypt, so long as a man even though he were but an indolent one occupied the Egyptian throne.

The first Roman demagogue by profession, Gaius Flaminius, added a second festival and a second circus ; and by these institutions the tendency of which is sufficiently indicated by the very name of the new festival, "the plebeian games" he probably purchased the permission to give battle at the Trasimene lake. When the path was once opened, the evil made rapid progress.

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