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Asoudee is said by some to be a city, walled, and of considerable extent, with many people; others represent it as being in ruins. I think its ruins are mentioned in my Ghadamez itinerary. Unlike Tintalous, a great quantity of provisions is stored up in that place.

The passage of the expedition from Tajetterat to Tintalous has cost the Government about one hundred and fifty pounds sterling, at the least. I cannot get over this. However, let us raise our hearts in thankfulness to Almighty Providence, who still watches over us, preserves our health, and saves us from destruction.

It would seem that Tintalous, like all the Tuarick countries, is a miserably poor place; for it is said that none, or very few, of the people in the town have a fire for cooking their bazeen, except the great En-Noor himself. The time, however, approaches for the departure of the caravans for Zinder, whence they bring back a great quantity of ghaseb and samen.

On this I went to sleep. 3d. Early in the morning Mohammed En-Noor paid me a visit, and promised me that all the things should be restored not the smallest thing should be lost. I looked about, and saw that the greater number of our escort had disappeared during the night, and gone to their homes. We now commenced our last stage to Tintalous.

It would require a thousand camel-loads to satisfy all the tribes and people in this route, even if their exigencies did not rise in proportion to our wealth. We have not yet been able to procure any provisions in Tintalous.

Leave Seloufeeat "City of Marabouts" Fair Promises People of Aheer Aspect of the Country Extraordinary Reports A Flying Saint Prophecies A Present Expense of our forced Passage Hopes Fears The Marabouts Geology The coming down of the Wady Inundation Restoration of our Camels Maharees from En-Noor El-Fadeea Arab Tuaricks Maghata Picturesque Wady Rainy Season Another Flood Dangerous Position Kailouees and Blacks The Escort arrives The Marabout Population Reported Brigands The Walad Suleiman Pleasant Valley Escort leave us Difficulty of satisfying them Robbery Proceed to Tintalous Encampment The Sultan A Speech We wait in vain for Supper Want of Food.

We have now given at Tintalous to the value of nearly a thousand dollars, and yet we have not received the smallest present in return not a supper the day of our arrival, not a little butter or fruit; nothing, absolutely nothing! Our servants have nearly procured all the ghaseb which they require for the journey from this to Zinder, viz. one hundred sahs.

However, in two hours we arrived at the little village of Asara, where half-a-dozen inhabitants greeted us with a stare; and an hour afterwards entered the broad and spacious valley of Tintalous, firing a salute as we did so, in compliment to the inhabitants.

First, there was a drum perpetually beating, announcing rudely enough the approaching nuptials; then there was a cricket singing shrill notes at my head; and then there was the screech-owl making the valley of Tintalous ring again with its hideous shriek. Add to all, between the roll of the big noisy drum, the cries and uproar of the people.

Overweg Money and Tin Saharan Signs Habits of the Rain Burial of a Woman Demands of Es-Sfaxee Salt-cakes of Bilma People of Tintalous Wild Animals List of Towns and Villages Population of Aheer and Ghât. Sept. 4th. This morning I sent Yusuf with our recommendations to En-Noor.