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As a result, most of the big oil men, especially those engaged in production, are graduates of the school of hard knocks; they are big-fisted, harsh-handed fellows who are as thoroughly at home on the "thribble board" of a derrick as at a desk or a directors' table, and they are quite as colorful as the oil fields themselves. Their lives are full and vigorous.

"And she just touched me 'and and walks across me coat. And the people laughed and clapped silly apes! And the gent 'e tipped me a thick 'un, and I spotted the pups a month ago, and I knew I could have 'em for five bob, so I got 'em. And I'll sell em for thribble the money, you see if I don't.

'Well! he said, 'I suppose I must let you have it, but it's worth thribble the money, so it is He slowly led the way out to the hutch opened the door gingerly, and made a sudden fierce grab at the Psammead, which the Psammead acknowledged in one last long lingering bite. 'Here, take the brute, said the shopman, squeezing the Psammead so tight that he nearly choked it.

There were my incessant and most arduous labors for peace and quietness in the institution, my great painstaking, with the sole view of leading the prisoners to do right in every respect, with never a hint from me, to a prisoner, of disapprobation of any prison officer or his acts, with never a word of dispute between any of us as officers, besides my careful observance of all the prison rules to the letter, as I understood them, to which I had ever felt impelled by a sense of duty, and on which, for a long while, I had felt the importance of double and thribble care.

'The ones I got are all right, Jane said; 'I know they are, because the man at the shop said they were worth thribble the money 'I'm sure thribble isn't grammar, Anthea said. 'Of course it isn't, said Cyril; 'one word can't be grammar all by itself, so you needn't be so jolly clever.