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Updated: August 16, 2024

"And is related in some way," persisted Flame, "to Edward the 2nd Duke of York." "Of that guarantee of respectability I am, of course, not quite so sure," said her Father. With a temperish stamping of feet, an infuriate yank of the door-bell, Uncle Wally's chauffeur announced that the limit of his endurance had been reached. Blankly Flame's Mother stared at Flame's Father.

He began to strut up and down the nursery with his eyes tightly shut. "Apollo, please, may I get on your shoulder for a bit, and will you lead me to that place where the first sunbeam rises in the east over the sea?" "Come," said Fortune, in what Diana would call a "temperish" tone, "we can have no more of that ridiculous story-telling to-night. Miss Iris, you'll ask them to be good, won't you?"

"Remember, you're to say 'Benvenuto Cellini, and the telephone is Plaza nine-double-o-one. Luck to you!" Again they gripped hands. Then Larry slipped through the darkened doorway into whatever might lie beyond. A misting rain was being swirled about by a temperish wind as Larry came out into the little street.

That was the worst about Maggie: she wouldn't take advice from any one unless the advice were a coincidence with or an enlargement of her own wishes, and she was particularly temperish to-night. He hastened to appease her. "I guess the best of us have our off days.

Faintly to his acute ears came the sound of his little daughter's temperish protest, "I won't! I won't!" and the White Linen Nurse's fervid pleading, "Oh, you must, you must!" and the Little Girl's mumbled ultimatum, "Well, I won't unless you do!" Irascibly he crossed the room and yanked the door open abruptly upon their surprise and confusion. His nerves were very sore.

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