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I wonder that they didn't add, "try Teheran," and I suppose they would at last, rather than abandon the pursuit. "But, Stubber," said I, as I conned over the various addresses on this incomprehensible cover, "are you sure this is for me?"

Occasionally the dogs of one quarter of the bazaar attack those of another, and desperate fights ensue, the killed and wounded being afterwards eaten by the victors. It is, therefore, unsafe to venture out in the streets of Teherán after dark without a lantern and good stout cudgel. From 11 to 12 a.m. is perhaps the busiest part of the day in the bazaar.

'And, Gill, added Val, 'I'm in second class too, and I took three places for knowing where Teheran was, and got above Kitty Varley and a girl there two years older than I am, and her name is Maura. 'Maura, how very odd! I never heard of any one called Maura but one of the Whites, said Gillian. 'What was her surname? This Valetta could not tell, and at the moment Mrs.

He looked round him with a revival of the exhilaration he had felt on Lady Henry's staircase, enjoying, after his five years in Teheran, after his long homeward journey by desert and sea, even the common trivialities of the scene the lights, the gilding, the sparkle of jewels, the scarlet of the uniforms, the noise and movement of the well-dressed crowd.

It has been shown time and again that if the standard of living of any country goes up, so does its purchasing power and that such a rise encourages a better standard of living in neighboring countries with whom it trades. That is just plain common sense and it is the kind of plain common sense that provided the basis for our discussions at Moscow, Cairo, and Teheran.

When I told him that I intended to go to Persia, and in particular to Teheran, he offered to give me a letter to his mother, who was at court, and under whose protection I could be introduced there.

And they had left the next afternoon for Constantinople, on their way to Teheran. "Now there's another point," said I. "There you are off to Persia with a millionaire, and rich yourself. How come you here in the South Seas, running a trader?" He said, with a smile, that I had not yet heard of Jim's last bankruptcy.

Teheran in the north is the capital and the most important place; Ispahan is in the centre, Shiraz in the south, and Bushire is the principal seaport on the gulf. "The government is an absolute monarchy of the most pronounced kind, though somewhat influenced by the priests, the dread of private vengeance, and insurrection. Taxation is heavy, and very burdensome to the subjects.

On December 13 I arrived at Teheran, having driven 800 miles in a month. India was still 1500 miles off, and the route lies almost entirely through deserts where only camels can travel. I therefore bought fourteen fine camels, and took six Persians and a Tatar into my service. A light scarf wound round a hat or helmet in tropical countries, especially India.

But as the ship approached the capital, she had to steer clear of Demavend, whose snowy peak rises some twenty-two thousand feet, and the chain of Elbruz, at whose foot is built Teheran. As soon as the day broke on the 2nd of July the peak of Demavend appeared above the sandstorm, and the "Albatross" was steered so as to pass over the town, which the wind had wrapped in a mantle of dust.