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"I sentenced both Dimas and Ventura to life imprisonment for being accessory to the murder of the Spanish officer above named, Lieutenant Piera. Villa officiated as arch-fiend on the grewsome occasion. I am quite sure I would have hung Villa without any compunction at that time, if I could have gotten hold of him. I tried to get hold of him, but Governor Taft's attorney-general, Mr.

Taft's cottage he on the steps at her feet, she leaning against the railing, the moonlight full upon her face. They had been there since sunset. They had known all day what was in each other's mind, but they had avoided discussing it. Now they must face it. "You go to-morrow, Madge?" Oliver asked. He knew she did. He spoke as if announcing a fact. "Yes."

This indicates mildness, an inclination to use diplomacy rather than force, and a tendency to take things as they are rather than to push ahead aggressively and make radical changes. Mr. Roosevelt's head is high in the crown. Mr. Taft's head is low in the crown. A high crown indicates firmness, decision, love of power, love of authority, a demand to rule, and great ambition.

Taft's beds were three miles away, and for a long time we rowed silently in the wake of the other boats, once in a while grounding and our oar blades constantly striking bottom. At last we came upon soft mud covered with not more than two inches of water not enough to float the boats.

This was expressly decided, in the case of the businesses of refining petroleum and refining sugar, by the Spreckels case, referred to in President Taft's message. What, then, is the privilege with respect to which the tax is imposed? Obviously not. No kind or kinds of business are specified in the act.

Taft's attention to the fact that there were certain elements in the United States which were opposed to Great Britain this evidently being a reference to the Germans and the Irish and he therefore believed that any conspicuous attempts to increase the friendliness of the two countries for each other would arouse antagonism and resentment. As Mr. Taft was leaving he informed Mr.

He is, therefore, far more interested in the practical application of such principles as he has than in theories, hypotheses, and reform. Mr. Taft's nose, by its roundness and softness of contour, indicates mildness, good nature, refinement, and delicacy of feeling, while Mr. Roosevelt's is the large-tipped, bony-bridged nose of aggressiveness and combativeness. Mr.

Here, according to Nicholas's description of the beds and the manner of raiding, it was possible for us to catch the pirates in the act of stealing oysters, and at the same time to get them in our power. Charley was to be on the shore, with Mr. Taft's watchmen and a posse of constables, to help us at the right time.

It was ordained that the king should not go out of the realm, a precedent never violated until modern times, and even followed by our own presidents, except for Roosevelt's trip to Panama and Taft's to the borders of Mexico.

President Taft's remark, made after the decisions of the Supreme Court in the Standard Oil and Tobacco Trust cases, that "the business community now knows or ought to know where it stands," was received with incredulity approaching derision. The decisions in the Standard Oil and Tobacco cases did in fact dispel whatever uncertainty remained as to what the Sherman Act means.