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Updated: August 14, 2024

A good part of the symptomatology of the neuroses which I trace to disturbance of sexual processes manifests itself in disturbances of the other non-sexual bodily functions, and this hitherto incomprehensible action becomes less mysterious if it only represents the counterpart of the influences controlling the production of the sexual excitement.

In this way deep cuts may divide the coronary band and inflict extensive injury to the sensitive lamina as well. An infectious type of coronary inflammation occurs in some localities during the winter months, wherein the condition is enzootic. Symptomatology.

Faulty conformation, which throws an abnormal strain on these ligaments, is a predisposing cause of inflammation of these structures. Hard pulling upon slippery and rough or frozen roads is a common exciting cause of this injury. The condition is of comparatively frequent occurrence and is seen affecting draft horses frequently, in the hind legs. Symptomatology.

The condition affects the cartilages of the fore feet more frequently than those of the hind and the outer cartilage is more often ossified than is the inner. This fact may be accounted for by its more exposed position; it is also frequently injured by being trampled upon and otherwise contused or cut, as in lacerated wounds of the quarter. Symptomatology.

Symptomatology. Fracture may be transverse or vertical, and depending on the manner in which the bone is broken, prognosis is either at once rendered favorable or unfavorable. The patella performs a function which is in a way similar to that of the sesamoids and when fractured, complete recovery is improbable in the average instance.

Puncture wounds of any kind may serve to perforate the joint capsule and such traumatisms are occasioned by falls, kicks and in various ways in runaway accidents, and open carpal joint may follow. Symptomatology. The pathognomonic symptoms of the existence of an open joint is the exposure to view of articular surfaces of bones or noting the escape of synovia from the joint capsule.

Eliminating the forms of elbow inflammation, such as are caused by metastatic infection and other conditions which properly belong to the domain of theory of practice, we may consider this affection under the classification of contusive wounds and penetrative wounds. Symptomatology.

Spring-Halt. Occurrence. This condition is a myoclonic affection of the hind leg which is discussed in works on theory and practice under the head of neuroses, but the cause or causes have not been established. This ailment affects old horses more frequently than it does young and is seen in all breeds of animals including mules. Symptomatology.

From all the descriptions in the reports of the Russian campaign it can be deduced that many of the cases enumerated were of exanthematic typhus, notwithstanding that the symptomatology given is very incomplete, not to speak of the pathological anatomy. The only writer who has described necropsies is von Scherer.

It is also frequently observed in young horses and in draught colts of twelve to eighteen months of age. This condition occurs while the subjects are at pasture and often spontaneous recovery results by the time the animals are two years of age. Symptomatology.

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