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He related the Der Tag incident at the ball. The family life of the Teutons, the life of the plain people all were substantiating the essential and alarming truth of the old man's beliefs. At last another American in Germany had been found who was experiencing an awakening. The result was a mutual appreciation.

"By living so purely in thought and in deed as to prevent the interposition of any barrier between his phenomenal and substantial self; and by steadfastly cultivating harmonious relations between these two, by substantiating the whole of his system to the Divine Central Will, whose seat is in the soul, the man gains full access to the stores of knowledge laid up in his soul, and attains to the cognition of God and the universe."

The larger animals were destroyed in order to have proof positive of the strength of a poison which hath hitherto been doubted: and the smaller ones were killed with the hope of substantiating that which has commonly been supposed to be an antidote.

When the black boy, whom John Ferguson had named Billy, was released by his captors, after the castigation we have seen him subjected to by Rainsfield and Smithers, he made the best of his way to Fern Vale; and there, with his bleeding back substantiating his statement, told his tale of woe.

This, she felt, must be surely so, because of her early love of refined things truly refined, to a degree far beyond the ken of mountain life. Without substantiating records, she seemed to know that in early Colonial days her family of gentle blood had floated with the migratory tide across the Appalachian range. That was the origin of all mountaineers!

Poor Mrs. Hay! She had to hear it, for they sent for her; somebody had to restrain Nanette. Pete said he had known Nanette long time, ever since baby. So had Crapaud. Yes, and they had known Eagle Wing, Moreau, always knew his father and mother. Knew Nanette's father and mother. But Black Bill interposed. No need to go into these particulars, as substantiating Mrs. Hay and himself, said he.

Near us the traces of the ancient road led to the ruins of two large, circular corrals, substantiating my belief that this curious roadway was intended to keep the llamas from straying at will over the pasture lands.

Where property is taken or destroyed, in the manner described in the said section, the person interested therein will procure the necessary documents and proofs substantiating his claim. These documents and proofs will be submitted to the proper superintendent, agent, or sub-agent, and at the next period of paying annuities the same will be laid before the persons superintending such payment.

After a lapse of several days I received from him a letter substantiating in detail all that was mentioned in the newspaper clipping quoted above.

"I suppose that's correct," Nasmyth agreed. "But, after all, unless you can get hold of a list of the provisions cached and it has most likely been destroyed there's only one way of substantiating your views." "Exactly. Gladwyne's confession will place the matter beyond all doubt." "Do you think you will ever get it?" Lisle's expression hardened. "Well," he said, "I'm going to try."