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Quoth the Caliph, "Thou confessest to having divorced her and Marwan owned the like; so now we will give her free choice. An she choose other than thee, we will marry her to him, and if she choose thee, we will restore her to thee." Replied the Arab, "Do so." So Mu'awiyah said to her, "What sayest thou, O Su'ad?

He robbed me of my wife Su'ad and proved him worst of foes, * Stealing mine honour 'mid my folk with foul iniquity; And went about to take my life before th' appointed day * Hath dawned which Allah made my lot by destiny's decree." Now when Mu'awiyah heard him recite these verses, with the fire flashing from his mouth, he said to him, "Welcome and fair welcome, O brother of the Arabs!

Then said he, "By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, wert thou to give me all the riches contained in the Caliphate, yet would I not take them without Su'ad." And he recited this couplet, "I love Su'ad and unto all but hers my love is dead, * Each morn I feel her love to me is drink and daily bread."

Soon comes to thee that splendid sun which hath no living peer * On earth, nor aught in mortal men of Jinns her like shalt see." This he sealed with his own signet and gave to the messengers who returned with Su'ad to Damascus and delivered to Mu'awiyah the letter, and when he had read it he cried, "Verily, he hath obeyed handsomely, but he exceedeth in his praise of the woman."

Divorce Su'ad, equip her well, and in the hottest haste * With Al-Kumayt and Ziban's son, hight Nasr, send to me." "Hurry not, Prince of Faithful Men! with best of grace thy vow * I will accomplish as 'twas vowed and with the gladdest gree. I sinned not adulterous sin when loved her I, then how * Canst charge me with advowtrous deed or any villainy?