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Updated: August 11, 2024

Missing No answer to General Call having been received during the last week from following overdues, they are posted as missing: Atlantis, W.17630. Canton Valparaiso Audhumla W. 889. Stockholm Odessa Berenice, W. 2206... Riga Vladivostock Draw, E. 446.. Coventry Pontes Arenas Tontine, E. 5068. C. Wrath Ungava Wu-Sung, E. 41776.. Hankow Lobito Bay

There now prevails a beautiful, cordial relationship between Sweden and Denmark. A Scandinavian club has been established in Stockholm; and with this my song came to honor; and it was then said, "it will outlive everything that Andersen has written:" which was as unjust as when they said that it was only the product of flattered vanity. This song is now sung in Sweden as well as in Denmark.

To this end he sent forth Letters Patent, dated at Stockholm on the 2d of July, 1626, wherein all, both high and low, were invited to contribute something to the Company, according to their means. The work was completed in the Diet of the following year, 1627, when the estates of the realm gave their assent, and confirmed the measure....

All his movements were clearly set out in the brief pencilled entries in the journal. From Moscow he had returned to St. Petersburg; there he had stayed a fortnight; thence he had journeyed to Revel, from Revel he had crossed the Baltic to Stockholm; from Stockholm he had gone across country to Christiania.

The day following, our agents will be quietly buying those European shares at private sale in London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Stockholm, wherever they are to be found. Should they give us a week, we shall have so narrowed the field of operations for our 'bears' that their first day's sales will land them in a corner. Once we have them penned, we may take our time.

Dated Stockholm, May 29, 1905. Stockholm, May 29. On account of what the Norwegian Government has declared not only in writing in their resignations, but also verbally in the Cabinet Council of May 27 after my rejection of the Consular service law I must declare that I, most decidedly, protest against the comments made there on Me and my method of action.

Christiania, May 26, 1905. Report of the Cabinet Council held in Stockholm May 30th 1905, given by the Norwegian Section of the Council. To the President of the Norwegian Government. The Section of the Cabinet Council herewith presents the following report.

I have received very beautiful and large leaves of the Castanea which I have called C. Ungeri, from Alaska. I am now occupied in working up this fossil Alaskan flora; the plants are in great part drawn, and contain magnificent leaves. The treatise will be published by the Swedish Academy in Stockholm; I hope to send you a copy a few months hence.

It was not very probable that her armies would cross the Elbe, or that her fleets would force a passage through the Sound. But the naval strength of England and Holland united might well excite apprehension at Stockholm and Copenhagen. Soon arose vexatious questions of maritime right, questions such as, in almost every extensive war of modern times, have arisen between belligerents and neutrals.

The Upsala students gave up their most joyous festival the May-day festival and the money they at other times used to contribute annually towards the celebration thereof, they sent to the Danes, after the sum had been increased by concerts which were given in Stockholm and Vesteraas. That circumstance will not be forgotten in Denmark.

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