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The woman had changed her position, and was soon again asleep. When daylight came, the bartender began moving about. He thought the natives had better get into the fresh air, as he wanted to clean the place, he said. With that the two Eskimos plodded out through the snowdrifts; the man carrying the child in his arms. The blizzard had died away, and the air was still and cold.

At all events he was beyond aid from us, for the impassable snowdrifts could not be overcome with the means in our possession. It turned out that our suppositions as to the cause of his delay were correct. He had met with the same difficulties that confronted us, and had been compelled to go into camp.

At all events he was beyond aid from us, for the impassable snowdrifts could not be overcome with the means in our possession. It turned out that our suppositions as to the cause of his delay were correct. He had met with the same difficulties that confronted us, and had been compelled to go into camp.

Rudolph, sitting among his boxes in the sampan, viewed by turns this desolate void astern and the more desolate sweep of coast ahead. His matting sail divided the shining bronze outpour of an invisible river, divided a low brown shore beyond, and above these, the strips of some higher desert country that shone like snowdrifts, or like sifted ashes from which the hills rose black and charred.

"If she ain't watched close from this time on, she'll be settin' hins in snowdrifts, and pouring biling water on the daffodils to sprout them." On the first of March, five killdeers flew over in a flock, and a half hour later one straggler crying piteously followed in their wake. "Oh, the mane things!" almost sobbed Mary. "Why don't they wait for it?"

At all events he was beyond aid from us, for the impassable snowdrifts could not be overcome with the means in our possession. It turned out that our suppositions as to the cause of his delay were correct. He had met with the same difficulties that confronted us, and had been compelled to go into camp.

As Antonia said, the whole world was changed by the snow; we kept looking in vain for familiar landmarks. The deep arroyo through which Squaw Creek wound was now only a cleft between snowdrifts very blue when one looked down into it. The tree-tops that had been gold all the autumn were dwarfed and twisted, as if they would never have any life in them again.

A green flush overspread the landscape. The skies became soft and tender, with glorious sunsets. The delicate-veined white triliums and May-apples took the place of the snowdrifts in the woods; and the air was fragrant and the orchards were abloom with the soft pink and white apple-blossoms. The little town of Niagara was like a camp.

Tom and Nat had brought the relief supplies from the wagon old Abe's strongest carry-all which had successfully weathered the snowdrifts between Tanglewood Park and The Cedars. "It's stopped snowing," announced Nat cheerfully. "Guess we will be able to make it all right by daylight."

For the easier they made life for her, the greater contrast did they make between her and her dad. Gil brought her a great bunch of roses, unbelievably beautiful and fragrant, and laughed and told her they didn't look much like those snowdrifts she waded through the last day they worked on the Lazy A serial.