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Monkeys, liability of, to the same diseases as man; male, recognition of women by; diversity of the mental faculties in; breaking hard fruits with stones; hands of the; basal caudal vertebrae of, imbedded in the body; revenge taken by; maternal affection in; variability of the faculty of attention in; American, manifestation of reason in; using stones and sticks; imitative faculties of; signal-cries of; mutual kindnesses of; sentinels posted by; human characters of; American, direction of the hair on the arms of some; gradation of species of; beards of; ornamental characters of; analogy of sexual differences of, with those of man; different degrees of difference in the sexes of; expression of emotions by; generally monogamous habits of; polygamous habits of some; naked surfaces of; courtship of.

The structure of the hand in this respect may be compared with that of the vocal organs, which in the apes are used for uttering various signal-cries, or, as in one genus, musical cadences; but in man the closely similar vocal organs have become adapted through the inherited effects of use for the utterance of articulate language.

In fact, he kept us posted on all that was going on out-of-doors, for we soon came to know most of his signal-cries. The boys would glance up from their books and smile when they heard him. Blackamoor had certain highly reprehensible traits. He was thievish, and we were obliged to keep an eye on him, or he would steal all our lead-pencils, pocket-handkerchiefs and other small objects.

Rengger, on the diseases of Cebus Azarae; on the diversity of the mental faculties of monkeys; on the Payaguas Indians; on the inferiority of Europeans to savages in their senses; revenge taken by monkeys; on maternal affection in a Cebus; on the reasoning powers of American monkeys; on the use of stones by monkeys for cracking hard nuts; on the sounds uttered by Cebus Azarae; on the signal-cries of monkeys; on the polygamous habits of Mycetes caraya; on the voice of the howling monkeys; on the odour of Cervus campestris; on the beards of Mycetes caraya and Pithecia Satanas; on the colours of Felis mitis; on the colours of Cervus paludosus; on sexual differences of colour in Mycetes; on the colour of the infant Guaranys; on the early maturity of the female of Cebus Azarae; on the beards of the Guaranys; on the emotional notes employed by monkeys; on American polygamous monkeys.

Brehm, on the effects of intoxicating liquors on monkeys; on the recognition of women by male Cynocephali; on the diversity of the mental faculties of monkeys; on the habits of baboons; on revenge taken by monkeys; on manifestations of maternal affection by monkeys and baboons; on the instinctive dread of monkeys for serpents; on the use of stones as missiles by baboons; on a baboon using a mat for shelter from the sun; on the signal-cries of monkeys; on sentinels posted by monkeys; on co-operation of animals; on an eagle attacking a young Cercopithecus; on baboons in confinement protecting one of their number from punishment; on the habits of baboons when plundering; on polygamy in Cynocephalus and Cebus; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in birds; on the love-dance of the blackcock; Palamedea cornuta; on the habits of the Black-grouse; on sounds produced by birds of paradise; on assemblages of grouse; on the finding of new mates by birds; on the fighting of wild boars; on sexual differences in Mycetes; on the habits of Cynocephalus hamadryas.

Siebold, C.T., von, on the proportion of sexes in the Apus; on the auditory apparatus of the stridulent Orthoptera. Sight, inheritance of long and short. Signal-cries of monkeys. Silk-moth, proportion of the sexes in; Ailanthus, Prof. Canestrini, on the destruction of its larvae by wasps; difference of size of the male and female cocoons of the; pairing of the.

This idea, which is closely joined to the interjectional theory, Darwin meets with a related idea, depending upon the onomatopoetical theory, when he says, in his "Descent of Man": "Since monkeys certainly understand much that is said to them by man, and when wild, utter signal-cries of danger to their fellows, may not some unusually wise ape-like animal have imitated the growl of a beast of prey, and thus told his fellow-monkeys the nature of the expected danger?