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Updated: August 25, 2024

"No human hand ever kindled that flame, which announces the presence of the Dead," said Hilda, with a tremulous voice; "though seldom, uncompelled by the seid and the rune, does the spectre itself warn the eyes of the living." "What shape, or what shadow of shape, does that spectre assume?"

The place was a long rift in the hill, made green with juniper and hazel, where it was said True Thomas came to drink the water. "Turn ye to the west," said the whaup, "and let the sun fail on your face; then turn ye five times round about and say after me the Rune Of the Heather and the Dew."

The Emperor points them laughingly to the other side of the Rune, where float the silken banners of the Saxons, but says that any of his men shall give up their camping-place to them.

He had then filled it with water, and taking off his shoes and stockings stepped up and down his narrow pool. He was distinctly aggrieved by Mrs. Brown's reproaches. "Well, I was practisin' paddlin', ready for goin' to the seaside. I didn't mean to rune your tray. You talk as if I meant to rune your tray. I was only practisin' paddlin'." At last the day of departure arrived.

"S-h-h-h! Wait and see what's up!" Now, from the other horde, coming from the north, sounds of warlike preparation were growing ever louder. With quicker beats the insistent tom-toms throbbed their rhythmic melancholy rune, hollow and dissonant.

But when it came too, y^e pillott was deceived in y^e place, and said, y^e Lord be merciful unto them, for his eys never saw y^t place before; & he & the m^r. mate would have rune her ashore, in a cove full of breakers, before y^e winde. But a lusty seaman which steered, bad those which rowed, if they were men, about with her, or ells they were all cast away; the which they did with speed.

In this deep gorge the winds and the pines chanted like a Greek chorus; the waves continuously murmured an intricate rune, as if conning it by frequent repetition; a bird would call out from the upper air some joyous apothegm in a language which no creature of the earth has learned enough of happiness to translate.

"Says Hilda this?" said the Earl, thoughtfully. "So say the Vala, the rune, and the Scin-laeca! and such is the doom that now darkens the brow of Haco! Seest thou not that the hand of death is in the hush of the smileless lip, and the glance of the unjoyous eye?" "Nay, it is but the thought born to captive youth, and nurtured in solitary dreams. Thou hast seen Hilda? and Edith, my mother?

"No human hand ever kindled that flame, which announces the presence of the Dead," said Hilda, with a tremulous voice; "though seldom, uncompelled by the seid and the rune, does the spectre itself warn the eyes of the living." "What shape, or what shadow of shape, does that spectre assume?"

"I know not that," answered Hilda, pale, as if in awe of herself: "for never yet hath the rune, or the fount or the tomb, revealed to me clear and distinct the close of the great course of Harold; only know I through his own stars his glory and greatness; and where glory is dim, and greatness is menaced, I know it but from the stars of others, the rays of whose influence blend with his own.

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