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He told him to come to see him again. He told the soldiers at his door to let Benezet come in when-ever he wished to. Soon after the Rev-o-lu-tion was over, Benezet was taken ill. When the people of Phil-a-del-phi-a heard that he was ill, they gathered in crowds about his house. Every-body loved him. Every-body wanted to know whether he was better or not.

"Never mind, my dear," said Benezet, "I gave them to some of the poor A-ca-di-ans." One old Acadian was afraid of Benezet. He did not see why Benezet should take so much trouble for other people. He thought that Benezet was only trying to get a chance to sell the Acadians for slaves. When Benezet heard this, he had a good laugh. Many years after this the Rev-o-lu-tion broke out.

"I know," said Tiktok, "but there was a rev-o-lu-tion in the Land of Oz, and the Scare-crow was de-posed by a sol-dier wo-man named Gen-er-al Jin-jur. And then Jin-jur was de-posed by a lit-tle girl named Oz-ma, who was the right-ful heir to the throne and now rules the land un-der the ti-tle of Oz-ma of Oz." "That is news to me," said Dorothy, thoughtfully.

John Stark was a famous gen-er-al in the Rev-o-lu-tion. But this story is not about the Rev-o-lu-tion. It is about Stark before he became a soldier. When he was a young man, Stark went into the woods. His brother and two other young men were with him. They lived in a camp. It was far away from any houses. The young men set traps for animals in many places.

But most of his life was passed in Phil-a-del-phi-a before the Rev-o-lu-tion. He was twenty-five years old when he became a school-teacher. He thought that he could do more good in teaching than in any other way. School-masters in his time were not like our teachers. Children were treated like little animals. In old times the school-master was a little king.

He took good care that the Indians should not catch him again. He af-ter-wards became a great fighter against the Indians. He had learned their ways while he was among them. He knew better how to fight them than almost any-body else. In the Rev-o-lu-tion he was a gen-er-al. He fought the British at Ben-ning-ton, and won a great vic-to-ry. Some men are great soldiers. Some are great law-makers.