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It first appeared in the folio volume of his works, printed under the care of Charles Doe, in 1692. It has since been re-published in every edition of Bunyan's work, but with the omission of the Scripture references, and many errors. It is now accurately corrected by the first edition.

It is somewhat remarkable, that perhaps the only "Voyages to the Moon," which have been published in the English tongue, should have been the productions of English bishops: the first forming a tract, re-published in the Harleian Miscellany, and said to have been written by Dr.

This work was first published in 1684, in a pocket volume, comprising nine sheets duodecimo; but became so rare, as to have escaped the researches of Wilson, Whitefield, and other editors of the collected works of Mr. Bunyan, until about the year 1780, when it was first re-published in an edition of his works, with notes, by Mason and Ryland.

Macpherson in his letter to the venerable Sage, I have never heard; but they are generally said to have been of a nature very different from the language of literary contest. Dr. Johnson's answer appeared in the news-papers of the day, and has since been frequently re-published; but not with perfect accuracy.

His studies with Las Cases were more persevering than successful, as will be seen from the following curious letter, written apparently in the watches of the night: it has been recently re-published by M. de Brotonne. "Since sixt week y learn the English and y do not any progress. Sixt week do fourty and two day.

Wallace's 'Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, 1870, in which all the essays referred to in this work are re-published. The 'Essay on Man, has been ably criticised by Prof. Claparede, one of the most distinguished zoologists in Europe, in an article published in the 'Bibliotheque Universelle, June 1870. The remark quoted in my text will surprise every one who has read Mr.

One day, in a pause of languor amongst these arid Hebrew studies, I read to her, with a beating heart, "The Ancient Mariner." It had been first published in 1798; and, about this time , was re-published in the first two-volume edition of "The Lyrical Ballads."

I obtained my reward some six years later when I first heard that the book had found universal recognition in Russia and had been re-published there in many editions.

In 1886 Butler published his last book on evolution, Luck or Cunning as the Main Means of Organic Modification? His other contributions to the subject are some essays, written for the Examiner in 1879, "God the Known and God the Unknown," which were re-published by Mr. It was while he was writing Life and Habit that I first met him.

The "Popular Fallacies," which in course of time followed, and were eventually added to the second series and re-published, are in manner essays also on a small scale, brief and dealing with abstract subjects more than the "Elia." It may be interesting to know that Lamb's two favorites were "That home is home, though it is never so homely," and "That we should rise with the lark."