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By the Constitution of Mexico the office of President in case of a vacancy devolved upon the president of the Supreme Court provisionally; but there was no president of the Supreme Court in September, 1847, the last incumbent having died, and no successor having been elected when Santa Anna resigned.

Preceded by the Baron, the bearers carried the corpse into a goods office, where they provisionally lodged it behind some barrels; one of them, a fair-haired little fellow, a general's son, remaining to watch over it.

After travelling from the Rovuma River to Lake Nyassa, the great explorer in l867-8 came upon an "earthern mound," west of Lake Bangweolo or Bemba, in about south latitude 11deg.; and here he places the sources of the Nile, where geographers have agreed provisionally to place the sources of the Congo. The subject is treated at considerable length in an article by Dr.

The morning of the fourth day after his arrival the Indian was pulled ashore, and conducted out of town a short distance to where, on a rising ground, a camp had been set up provisionally for his inspection.

The kaiser's views, as transmitted by the ambassador, tended to soften the irritating tone and language of the German note, and was not without effect on the President and cabinet when they determined to accept it provisionally. The President decided to ignore the pointed suggestion of Germany that the United States should now seek to prevail on Great Britain to abandon her blockade of Germany.

Hitherto, however, no such intermediate link has been discovered; and the touch of the object must be considered, provisionally, as the proximate cause of the affection of the nerve.

On September 21st, 1802, appeared a senatus consultum ordering the incorporation of Piedmont in France. This important territory, lessened by the annexation of its eastern parts to the Italian Republic, had for five months been provisionally administered by a French general as a military district of France.

This was not the least true, but Agatha answered, either absently or provisionally, "No." "And I don't seek to do so now. If you have nothing that you wish to tell me " He waited, and after what seemed a long time, she asked as if she had not heard him, "Will you lie down a little before your supper, papa?" "I will lie down when I feel like it," he answered.

He had therefore approved provisionally of a mitigated rule for all Carmelite houses, by means of which discipline was to be restored. The Carmelite general, John Soreth, made great efforts to enforce it, but his success was partial and short-lived. But together with these houses others should be tolerated for a season, while the religious were gradually accustomed to a state of discipline.

It thus summed up and harmonised the whole of the multifarious evidence bearing upon the point, and, as modified in 1894, falls very satisfactorily into line with the Cape determination. We may, then, at least provisionally, accept 92,870,000 miles as the length of our measuring-rod for space. Nor do we hazard much in fixing 100,000 miles as the outside limit of its future correction.