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The sounds of springs, and water-courses, and of birds suddenly ceased. And as the god of gods approached Pritha's son of blameless deeds, he beheld a wonderful sight, even that of a Danava named Muka, seeking, in the form of a boar, to slay Arjuna. Phalguna, at the sight of the enemy seeking to slay him, took up the Gandiva and a number of arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison.

Seated on Sakra's seat at the command of that god of a thousand eyes, Pritha's son of immeasurable energy began to blaze in splendour like a second Indra. And moved by affection, the slayer of Vritra, consoling Arjuna, touched his beautiful face with his own perfumed hands.

And the celestials then, accompanied by the Gandharvas and Siddhas and great Rishis, cheerfully reverenced Pritha's son of white deeds. Benedictions were poured upon him, accompanied by the sounds of celestial music. The strong-armed son of Pritha then heard around him the music of conchs and drums.

Freed from falsehood as also from fratricide, thou wilt then, O Partha, cheerfully slay the Suta's son Karna!"" "Sanjaya said, 'Thus addressed by Janardana, Pritha's son Arjuna, applauding those counsels of his friend, then vehemently addressed king Yudhishthira the just, in language that was harsh and the like of which he had never used before.

And as Pritha's son ranged on the field, the powerful son of Drona finding an opportunity, cut off the string of the Gandiva with an arrow furnished with a horse-shoe head. And beholding that extraordinary feat of his, the celestials applauded him highly. And exclaiming 'Well done! 'Well done! Drona and Bhishma, and Karna, and the mighty warrior Kripa, all applauded that feat of his greatly.

Having in battle slain his foe Karna who was worshipped by the gods, the Gandharvas, and human beings, Pritha's son Arjuna looked resplendent in his energy like the deity of a 1,000 eyes after the slaughter of Vritra.

Dhritarashtra said, "How did those bulls among men, viz., that great bowman Drona, and Dhananjaya the son of Pandu, encounter each other in battle? The son of Pandu is ever dear to the wise son of Bharadwaja. The preceptor also is ever dear to Pritha's son, O Sanjaya. Both of those car-warriors delight in battle, and both of them are fierce like lions.

Do thou, therefore, procure others for my satisfaction in order that I may carry them to our hermitage in the Kamyaka. If, O Pritha's son, I have found grace with thee, do thou then procure others of this species in large numbers. I wish to carry them to our hermitage. Having said this, the blameless lady of beautiful glances approached Yudhishthira the just, taking the flower.

O puissant king, do thou place this gem on the breast of thy sire. Thou shalt then see the son of Pandu revived." Thus addressed, the prince who had committed no sin, moved by affection for his sire, then placed that gem on the breast of Pritha's son of immeasurable energy. After the gem had been placed on his breast, the heroic and puissant Jishnu became revived.

That hero has been slain by Arjuna, the uterine brother by the brother! Neither Pritha, nor he, had ever disclosed the secret, O lord! That hero and great bowman was therefore slain by Arjuna in battle. Subsequently I have come to know, O best of regenerate ones, that he was my uterine brother. Indeed, at Pritha's words I have come to know that Karna was the eldest born!