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The consequence was, that Laura was permitted to spend a great part of that day with the two accidental tenants of Monsieur Plessis's house; and not a little comfort, indeed, was that permission to her. It was a moment when any society would have been a great consolation and relief. But there was in the two ladies with whom she was now associated for the time much more to interest and to please.

So far as I remember the languages talked by the crew included Malay, Hindustani, Tamil and, oddly enough, French. That language was of course spoken by someone who came from Pondicherry, that small piece of country which, with Chandernagor, represents the French-Indian Empire of Du Plessis's time.

"Let one of our people carry her," said the captain of the vessel, which was lying in the river at no great distance from Plessis's house "there is near a mile to go yet." Lord Sherbrooke turned and looked round. Wilton was close by his side. "Wilton," he said, "Wilton, you take her. With the exception of herself, you are my best friend. Gently, oh gently!

Now we intended to plant the Messenger in the bog till we had got all things ready and the ship off, and it was him and his people we were after. But come along bring down the lady to Master Plessis's. She will be taken good care of there, I warrant you. Here, Jack Vanoorst! you're a bit of a surgeon yourself, for you doctored my head when the Frenchman broke my crown one day.

"But there he is now, safe enough, and I dare say will find means to console himself with Master Plessis's brandy casks. He might have made himself quite comfortable if he hadn't dropped the glass, like a fool. Now, Plessis," he continued, entering the room, "go for the lady as quick as lightning.