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C'estui-ci est mon fils amé Jesus, Que bien me plaist, ma plaisance est en lui." Students are offered another choice of dates for the beginning of the performance of sacred plays in the open air in Italy, to wit, 1304.

They turned hand in hand; and out of the east the sun came statelily, and a new day was upon them. As Played at Paris, in the May of 1750 "Cette amoureuse ardeur qui dans les coeurs s'excite N'est point, comme l'on scait, un effet du merite; Le caprice y prend part, et, quand quelqu'un nous plaist, Souvent nous avons peine a dire pourquoy c'est. Mais on vois que l'amour se gouverne autrement."

Plus que le marbre dur me plaist l'ardoise fine, Plus mon Loire Gaulois que le Tybre Latin is anticipated here. The softer northern loveliness, la douceur Angevine, appeals to Ausonius more than all the traditional beauties of Arcadia or Sicily. It is with the Gallic rivers that he compares his loved Moselle: Non tibi se Liger anteferet, non Axona praeceps ... te sparsis incerta Druentia ripis.

On one of its pages the line to be copied ran as follows: L'hommage est du aux Roys, ils font ce qu'il leur plaist. Under this the budding monarch had written the same words six times, with childish care to keep the strokes straight and the spaces regular.