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Ellipses and hyperbolas have countless varieties of forms, but there is only one form of parabola; or, to speak literally, all parabolas are similar, while there are infinitely numerous dissimilar ellipses and dissimilar hyperbolas.

To do him justice, he studied for two or three hours everyday, and it was not his fault if he did not advance but his head was confused with technical terms; he mixed all up together, and disparts, sines and cosines, parabolas, tangents, windage, seconds, lines of sight, logarithms, projectiles and traverse sailing, quadrature and Gunter's scales, were all crowded together, in a brain which had not capacity to receive the rule of three.

Their arguments were couched in language which made Michel jump. The discussion was hot, and neither would give up his chosen curve to his adversary. This scientific dispute lasted so long that it made Michel very impatient. "Now, gentlemen cosines, will you cease to throw parabolas and hyperbolas at each other's heads? I want to understand the only interesting question in the whole affair.

Still, I taught them lots of things about parabolas that they did not know and did not know were to be known things that, considering the shells they fired went in parabolas, ought certainly to be known by artillery officers; so I think, in this way, I have done a little bit for my country.

Some bombs ascended to a height of about 1200 feet, and in passing over our heads described parabolas of fire. Immediately after such an eruption, the lava withdrew to the bottom of the chimney, which then yawned black and gaping. But erelong there was seen re- ascending the shining mirror of the surface of lava, which then recommenced the rhythmic play of its ordinary less violent bubblings."

Just at four o'clock she began to list to port, thus having her starboard guns put out of action, for they pointed toward the sky, and the shells which came from them described parabolas, dropping into the water at safe distance from the English ship.

To do him justice, he studied for two or three hours every day, and it was not his fault if he did not advance but his head was confused with technical terms; he mixed all up together, and disparts, sines and cosines, parabolas, tangents, windage, seconds, lines of sight, logarithms, projectiles, and traverse sailing, quadrature, and Gunter's scales, were all crowded together, in a brain which had not capacity to receive the rule of three.

Under these wailing parabolas, swinging invisibly across from horizon to horizon, we withdrew behind the farmhouse for lunch sandwiches, frankfurters kept hot in a fireless cooker, and red wine when far overhead a double-decker English aeroplane suddenly sailed over us.

Gunnery, sir, is a science we have our own disparts and our lines of sight our windage and our parabolas and projectile forces and our point blank, and our reduction of powder upon a graduated scale. Now, sir, there's no excuse for a gunner not being a navigator; for knowing his duty as a gunner, he has the same mathematical tools to work with."

'Now, Molly, tell the horse to spout, said lady Margaret, with such well-simulated cheerfulness as only mothers can put on with hearts ready to break. 'Mother Mary, tell the horse to spout, said Molly; and up went the watery parabolas. The old flame of delight flushed the child's cheek, like the flush in the heart of a white rose.