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The Manangs all squat on the floor, and the leader begins a long monotonous drawl, the rest either singing in concert, or joining in the choruses, or singing in turn with him. After a tiresome period of this, they stand up and march with slow and solemn step in single file round the Pagar Api.

Betwixt them lawns, or level downs, and flocks Grazing the tender herb, were interpos'd, Or palmy hillock, or the flow'ry lap Of some irriguous valley spread her store, Flowers of all hues, and without thorn the rose. Saturday, March 17th. We were off Singapore during the night. At 5 a.m. the pilot came on board and took us into Tangong Pagar to coal alongside the wharf.

Then they rush round the Pagar Api as hard as they can go, still singing their incantation. One of their number suddenly falls on the floor and lies motionless. The others sit down round him. He is covered over with a blanket, and all wait, while his spirit is supposed to hurry away to the other world to find the wandering soul and bring it back.

"'Io perdei: l'augusta figlia A pagar, m'a condemnato; Ma s'e ver the a voi somiglia Tutto il moudo ha guadagnato." Her danger was over, she was a mother, and the attentions of disinterested friendship were no longer indispensable. She herself about this time met with a deep affliction.

Tandjong Priok may not handle the shipping that Tanjong Pagar does, but if they were called upon to do so, we have not the least doubt that our Dutch neighbours would rise readily to the occasion. There is a Customs examination at Tandjong Priok.

Jamás le tan fosco ... la carta traería sin duda alguna pimienta y ... pero esto no quita que yo trate de dorar la píldora ... no sea también que se enfade y que yo vaya a pagar lo que no debo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Lo que tarda este Bruno! BRUNO. Nadie puede responder de un primer pronto, y.... BRUNO. Perdone usted, señor don Eduardo, si no he vuelto tan luego como ... me entretuve aquí en....