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It's a place yo do get to favour soomhow, said the good woman, apologetically, as though feeling that no stranger could justly be expected to sympathise with the excesses of local patriotism. Did th' oother sisters write books? demanded David, his eyes wandering over the bare stone house towards which the passionate heart of Charlotte Bronte had yearned so often from the land of exile.

"Maister Huckaback," he began, pointing with his pipe at him, the end that was done in sealing-wax, "tooching of what you was plaized to zay 'bout this here parish, and no oother, mind me no oother parish but thees, I use the vreedom, zur, for to tell 'e, that thee be a laiar."

An murderin's a graat sin, wheder it's witches or oother foak, 'In t' books they doan't coe it t' Witch's Pool at aw, said Louie, obstinately. 'They coe it t' Mermaid's Pool. 'An anoother book coes it a "Hammer-dry-ad," said David, mockingly, 'soa theer yo are.

'Maister Huckaback, he began, pointing with his pipe at him, the end that was done in sealing-wax, 'tooching of what you was plaized to zay 'bout this here parish, and no oother, mind me no oother parish but thees, I use the vreedom, zur, for to tell 'e, that thee be a laiar.

Have you got everything put up?" "All but t' gam' bag and t' liquor ca-ase, sur," Tim replied, touching his hat gnostically as he spoke; "Ay reckoned ple-ease sur, 'at you'd maybe want to fill t' yan oop, and empty t' oother!" "Very well thought, indeed!" said Archer, winking to Forester the while.

The farm servants were scattered in their villages. Alice had just told Greatorex of Mary's engagement and the Vicar's opposition. "Eh, I was lookin' for it," he said. "But I maade sure it was your oother sister." "So did I, Jim. So it was. So it would have been, only " She stopped herself. She wasn't going to give Mary away to Jim. He looked at her. "Wall, it's nowt t' yo, is it?" "No.