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Updated: August 27, 2024

Nec Deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus inciderit. Motions excited by sensation. Digestion. Generation. Pleasure of existence. Hypochondriacism. 2. Pain introduced. Sensitive fevers of two kinds. 3. Two sensorial powers exerted in sensitive fevers. Size of the blood. Nervous fevers distinguished from putrid ones. The septic and antiseptic theory. 4. Two kinds of delirium. 5.

He took his rapier from under his cloak, and seemed about to search the thickets around. "I will prevent him," whispered the Doctor to Alice. "I will keep faith with you you shall not come on the scene nisi dignus vindice nodus I'll explain that another time. Vindex is feminine as well as masculine, so the quotation is defensible. Keep you close."

The antagonism which Lincoln excited was concentrated in Booth's pistol shot, and the Montagues and Capulets became reconciled over his bier; but the antagonism against Sumner still continues to smoke and smoulder like the embers of a dying conflagration. Yet there never was a man more ready for action, or more quick to seize upon and solve the nodus of any new emergency.

Finally, be it remembered, that Oriental story-tellers have never subscribed to Horace's precept, "Nec deus interait, nisi digens vindice nodus Inciderit" On the contrary, their rule is, when, by a free use of the supernatural, you have got the whole of your characters into a regular fix, it is but fair that you should get them off by the same means.

Salmeron and Molina, and before them Ambrose Catharin and others, grant them a certain natural bliss; and Cardinal Sfondrati, a man of learning and piety, who approves this, latterly went so far as to prefer in a sense their state, which is the state of happy innocence, to that of a sinner saved, as we may see in his Nodus Praedestinationis Solutus. That, however, seems to go too far.

Possibly enough there may be no call for any such exceptional solution; for, after all, there may be nothing to solve no dignus vindice nodus.

If we, relying on the self-consistency of the executive, and because we relied on that self-consistency, predicted a particular solution for the nodus of Repeal, which solution has now become impossible; presuming a perseverance in the original policy of ministers, now that its natural fruits were rapidly ripening whereas, after all, at the eleventh hour we find them adopting that course which, with stronger temptation, they had refused to adopt in the first hour were this the true portrait of the case, would it be ourselves that erred, or Government? ourselves in counting on steadiness, or Government in acting with caprice?

To one god in particular we may apply the Horatian maxim, "Nec deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus." In German aesthetic theory, the conception tragische Schuld "tragic guilt" plays a large part.

Wee Gibbie flew at his legs, nor rested until, the one after the other, he had got them on the bed; if then they were not very comfortably deposited, he knew that, in his first turn, their owner would get them all right. And now rose the culmen of Gibbie's day! its cycle, rounded through regions of banishment, returned to its nodus of bliss.

As for what Horace says in his "Art of Poetry," that no machines are to be used unless on some extraordinary occasion "Nec deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus"

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