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After a time she ventured to ask a question. "Seth!" she said, "how do you know which way to steer?" "I don't," was the reply. "All I'm tryin' to do is keep her afore it. If this no'theast wind would hold, we'd be all right, but it's dyin' fast. And the tide must be at flood, if not startin' to go out.

"Something gone wrong with her rudder, they say. She's goin' spang onto the reef. Ev'rybody's down there, an' the life-savers are comin' around from Wellriver with their gear." "Gale out o' the no'theast, too!" exclaimed Cap'n Joab, starting for the door. The story-teller saw his audience melt away in a minute. He went out on the porch.

"Why, Seth!" she cried, "why, Seth! it's Eastboro, ain't it? We're close to Eastboro." Seth nodded. "It's Eastboro," he said. "I cal'lated we must be there or thereabouts. With that no'theast breeze to help us we couldn't do much else but fetch up at the inner end of the Back Harbor." She laid her hand timidly on his arm. "Seth," she whispered, "what should we have done without you?

"No'theast by no'th's the course. Keep her just there." The Lady May, still at half speed, kept on through the mist. Time passed. The twilight, made darker still by the fog, deepened. They lit the lantern in order to see the compass card. Issy had the wheel now. Sam was forward, keeping a lookout and fretting at the delay. "It's seven o'clock already," he cried.

"'Bout no'theast by no'th," was the calm reply. "Runnin' fair, but with lookout for wind ahead." "Hain't got a spare chaw nowheres about you, have you, Cap'n?" anxiously inquired "Bluey" Batcheldor. Mr. Batcheldor is called "Bluey" for the same reason that Mr. Wixon is called "Squealer," and that reason has been forgotten for years.

"And does it make the wind blow no'theast by no'th and and like that?" "Eh? Make the wind blow how?" "I mean does it make the wind blow different ways, no'theast by no'th and cantin' 'round to the sou-east and and those ways? Captain Hedge has got a fish up on his barn that used to do that, but now it won't 'cause he cal'lates it's rusted fast.