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Particularly noteworthy is the letter to his uncle begging him to intervene so as to prevent Joseph Buonaparte from taking up a military career. Joseph, writes the younger brother, would make a good garrison officer, as he was well formed and clever at frivolous compliments "good therefore for society, but for a fight ?" Napoleon's determination had been noticed by his teachers.

523 Fighting with Washington; or, The Boy Regiment of the Revolution. By Gen'l. Jas. A. Gordon. 524 The Smartest Boy in Philadelphia; or, Dick Rollins' Fight for a Living. By Allyn Draper. 525 The White Boy Chief; or, The Terror of the North Platte. By An Old Scout. 526 The Boy Senator; or, How He Won His Toga. By Allan Arnold. 527 Napoleon's Boy Guardsman; or, A Hero at Eighteen.

When next Russia rises, it will be against a tyranny only second to Napoleon's in virulence it will be against the terror that rules her now from within; and her success will be applauded by the world. The Italians, who first waited and plotted, and then fought desperately under Garibaldi, had every reason to cry out for freedom.

Thinking that this was merely a feint to draw the allies toward Ligny, while a serious attempt was made upon Brussels, Wellington, who had already prepared himself for any emergency, determined to wait till Napoleon's object was more fully displayed; while, therefore, he gave orders that the troops should be in readiness to march at a moment's notice, he, with his officers, joined in the festivities of a ball given that evening by the Duchess of Richmond.

It may easily be perceived that this letter is an answer to one from Josephine reproaching him for the manner in which he spoke of women, and very probably of the beautiful and unfortunate Queen of Prussia, respecting whom he had expressed himself with too little respect in one of his bulletins. The following is Napoleon's letter:

It was the British Navy that put out Napoleon's bonfire that he was making of the world: you kept the ring round us and Spain, and round Russia and Japan, and you've saved more conflagrations than half a dozen Noah's floods would put out. That's why the Kaiser and his tin-hatted firebrands have such a healthy dislike for you.

Prince Louis Napoleon's popularity seemed to them a mere passing fancy of the multitude. His person inspired them with but little admiration. They reckoned him a nonentity, a dreamer, incapable of laying his hands on France, and especially of maintaining his authority.

The Duchess's consistent and unselfish kindness procured her from the King, and those about him who knew her best, the name of "our angel." Warsaw was for a brief time the resting-place of the wanderers, but there they were disturbed in 1803 by Napoleon's attempt to threaten and bribe Louis XVIII. into abdication. It was suggested that refusal might bring upon them expulsion from Prussia.

These two Frenchmen, the former of whom was a diplomatist, the other one of Napoleon's private secretaries, admit that Prussia's object at that time was to take advantage of Napoleon's embarrassment and to offer him aid on certain important considerations. Prussian historians are silent in this matter.

The Revenge had arrived in New York with Armstrong's dispatches announcing Napoleon's purpose to enforce the Berlin decree; the Edward had reached Boston with British newspapers forecasting the order-in-council of the 11th of November. This news burst like a bomb in Washington where the genial President was observing with scientific detachment the operation of his policy of commercial coercion.