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Updated: August 19, 2024

Then out and spoke the magic bough which stood upon the Argo's beak, 'Because Father Zeus is angry, all this has fallen on you; for a cruel crime has been done on board, and the sacred ship is foul with blood. At that some of the heroes cried, 'Medeia is the murderess.

Yet, what would they, Antony's children, whose education she hoped Archibius would direct, feel for the mother who had been their father's murderess? She shuddered at the thought, remembering the hours when her childish heart had shed tears of blood over the infamous mother whom her father had execrated.

"You will do wisely to keep him on the watch as well as myself. If it were but a murderess or a political incendiary, then you might trust exclusively to the enlightenment of our corps, but this seems an affair of sentiment, Monsieur. Sentiment is not in our way. Seek the trace of that in the haunts of pleasure."

The poor abbess assented to this, and oh, wonder! as it came, so it went; first out of the little finger, and then by degrees out of the whole body, so that the old mother wept for joy, and thanked her murderess. Just then the door opened, and David Ludeck, the chaplain, whom the abbess had sent for, entered in his surplice.

That night, while he slept, Gudrun took Hogni’s son Hnifling, who desired to avenge his slaughtered father, and entering Atli’s chamber, the young man thrust a sword through the breast of the Hunnish king. He awoke through the pain of his wound, and was informed by Gudrun that she was his murderess. He bitterly reproached her, only to be told that she cared for no one but Sigurd.

No one aided my dear mistress. A surgeon at length came. He pronounced her dead. These cruel men had allowed her to die unaided. I was accused of being her murderess.

Was there salvation for her in this world? Could this coarse creature accomplish that in which beauty and refinement had failed? Could she be saved from becoming a murderess? Would it be granted her to remain human, with a human soul and a human face? But this was no time for tears or weakening. With iron energy she summoned all her strength and quietude and wisdom. The moment was a decisive one.

"This one act of hers counterbalances nearly all her virtues, and we remember her more as the murderess of thousands of innocents than as the calm and virtuous governess. But we must remember the nature of her advisers and the eternal policy of the Catholic Church, which are ever identical with absolutism.

"We would know, Sorceress, what shape was that which spoke with you but now, and whither has it gone?" "The same that saved my child and called the Sword of God down upon the murderess. It wore my father's armour, but its face I did not see. It has gone whence it came, but where that is I know not. Discover if you can." "Woman, you trifle with us. What said the Thing?"

A mob collected around the house for an hour or two, in that manner expressing a momentary indignation. But was she treated as a murderess? Not at all!

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