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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Vell, sir, my feyther stared at them murderous pistols, stared at Black Dan, an' being the werry gamest an' bravest cove you ever see, didn't 'esitate a second." "Well," cried the fussy gentleman, "what did he do then?" "Do, sir v'y I'll tell you my feyther come down." "Yes, yes," said the fussy gentleman, as Mottle-face paused. "Go on, go on!" "Go on v'ere, sir?" "Go on with your story.

"Stopped? stopped, coachman? d' you mean ?" "Ah! stopped by Blue-chinned Jack o' Brockley, or Gallopin' Toby o' Tottenham, or " "Eh what! what! d' you mean there are highwaymen on this road?" "'Ighvaymen!" snorted Mottle-face, winking ponderously at Barnabas, "by Goles, I should say so, it fair bristles vith 'em."

Yawning, Barnabas opened drowsy eyes, and saw that here and there were houses in fair gardens, yet as they went the houses grew thicker and the gardens more scant. And now Barnabas became aware of a sound, soft with distance, that rose and fell a never-ceasing murmur; therefore, blinking drowsily at Mottle-face, he inquired what this might be.

"Vich I am vun, sir, as don't novise expect nothin', consequent am never novise disapp'inted," says Mottle-face with a solemn nod; "but, vind an' veather permittin', ve shall be at the 'George' o' South'ark at five, or thereabouts!" "Ha!" says the fussy gentleman, "and what about my valise? is it safe?" "Safe, ah! safe as the Bank o' England, unless ve should 'appen to be stopped "

But Mottle-face, touching up the near leader with deft and delicate play of wrist, or flicking the off wheeler, ever and anon gave vent to sounds which, though somewhat muffled, on account of coat-collar and shawl, were uncommonly like a chuckle.

"God bless my soul!" exclaimed the fussy gentleman in an altered tone, "but you are armed, of course?" "Armed?" repeated Mottle-face, more owl-like of eye than ever, "armed, sir, Lord love me yes! my guard carries a brace o' barkers in the boot." "I'm glad of that," said the fussy gentleman, "very!"

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