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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Matter of fact," he said in an aside, "if you want a better explanation of that effect, you might look up the maintenance manual on the proton gyroscopes that Sad Cow uses. Or the manuals for the M.R. analyzer in the chem lab. Or the magnetometer we use to keep a check on Earth's magnetic field. "So far, about the same thing.

Can you lend me a plane with civilian markings and a pilot who's a good photographer? I'll need a magnetometer to trail, too. There's a rather urgent situation coming up." The men stared at him. He explained the possibility of a Mekinese space-cruiser lying in fifty fathoms off Cape Farnell. He did not say where the information came from.

The following are the instruments described: Features The electrically recording anemometer Cam device with contact on wheel; slowing arrangement, inertia of wheel. The Dynes anemometer Parabola on immersed float. The recording wind vane Metallic pen. The magnetometer Horizontal force measured in two directions vertical force in one timing arrangement.

The camera proved from five miles away that there was no sadness afflicting them. One man laughed uproariously. But the rest of the planet was in no mood for laughter. The magnetometer recording showed that a very large mass of magnetic material lay on the ocean bottom, fifty fathoms down.

The first electrical instrument ever made, and known as such, was invented by him, as was also the first magnetometer, and the first electrical indicating device. Although three centuries have elapsed since his death, the method of magnetizing iron first introduced by him is in common use to-day.

Evidently the ice has become firmly packed in this quarter, and we must wait patiently till a southerly gale occurs or currents open the ice. We are drifting slowly. The position to-day was 76° 49´ S., 33° 51´ W. Worsley and James, working on the floe with a Kew magnetometer, found the variation to be six degrees west."

But another method of detecting the position of a metallic mass is by the use of the magnetometer. This device operates on the principle of magnetic attraction, and in laboratories on stable foundations it is extremely sensitive.

As you know, the information I gave you was accurate." Bors felt as if he'd been hit over the head. This was ridiculous! He'd hunted for the space-cruiser under the sea because the prediction of the liner's arrival was so uncannily correct. He'd helped plan and carry out the destruction of that warship because its existence and location were verified by a magnetometer.

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