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"The Makolo need not two kings; and Seketulo knew not how to govern them." "Therefore you slew him?" persisted the professor. "Therefore I slew him," assented M'Bongwele. "Also you slew twelve white men and two white women who were found in distress by your people, although you knew that such acts were displeasing to us, and that we had forbidden them," asserted the professor.

This was soon done, and the fire was kindled; but, much of the wood being green, an immense cloud of smoke was raised, with very little flame, which exactly suited the professor's purpose. When the fire was fairly alight, the troops were re-formed in line as close to the ship as possible, and M'Bongwele and his suite were arranged in position on the deck immediately beneath the pilot-house walls.

"Having at length got rid of Lualamba, the professor made a few simple little preparations for the subjugation of the great M'Bongwele. The hours, however, passed, and we began to fear that Lualamba had failed in the somewhat delicate and difficult mission wherewith we had entrusted him.

Did not all this point to M'Bongwele's speedy downfall? He decided that it undoubtedly would, and that he would forthwith adopt that line of policy, cautiously, yet without losing a single favourable opportunity. So far as M'Bongwele was concerned, he found himself in a greater strait than ever.

A few judicious questions, artfully put, soon elicited from the savage the information that the travellers were now in the country belonging to M'Bongwele, a fierce, cruel, and jealous despot, so suspicious of foreigners that the most stringent orders were in force to allow none such to cross his borders upon any pretence whatever.

A few were found, in the first place, on the beach, and, being of a pleasing colour and shooting forth a ruddy light, were offered to M'Bongwele, who so greatly admired them that he sent the finders back to look for more, with orders to bring him enough to make a necklace." "And you know the exact spot?" demanded the professor.

M'Bongwele now regarded himself as completely successful; he had gained possession of the wonderful structure; and all that remained was to make use of it in a similar manner to that of its former owners.

Never since the death of M'Bongwele have we been allowed to wash our spears in the blood of our enemies; and, in the opinion of many, those enemies are consequently growing overbold and insolent.

Having thus given vent to a portion of his spleen, king M'Bongwele, paying but scanty attention to the comfort or dignity of his supporters, scrambled down from his elevated position to the deck, and sat down to reflect upon the next steps to be taken.

Having obtained possession of the persons of these formidable beings, obviously the next thing would be to secure that wonderful thing which they called a "ship;" and this M'Bongwele determined to do at once: who knew but that its possession might give him a much-needed and decisive power over its former owners?