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He felt his flesh prickle in the intensity of his suppressed excitement. "Shure now, miss," he said insinuatingly. "Mr. Lacy must hev' sint more insthructions 'long with ye then them. All ther word thet iver come ter me wus ter saddle oop, ride down here an' mate this man Enright. I don't aven know fer shure whar ol' Mendez is likely 'nough he be in Mexico." "In Mexico!" indignantly.

Presently Murty O'Toole and Dave Boone came round the corner of the verandah. "Masther Jim gev special insthructions not to be later'n half-past four in takin' y' in, sir," said the Irishman. "The chill do be comin' in the air afther that, says he. An' Miss Norah towld me to be stern wid ye!" "Oh, did she?" said Norah's father, laughing.

"If," said I, recollecting myself, as I was about opening the street door, and returning along the passage, "If any thing is sent home for me, be sure to take it up stairs and lay it carefully on my bed." "Yes, mum." "Now don't forget this, Anna." "Och! niver fear a hate, mum," was the girl's answer. "I'll not forget a word iv y'r insthructions." I turned away and left the house.

Th' man's not guilty, an' if ye don't want a few remarks printed about ye, that'll do ye no good, ye'll let him off. 'Don't pay anny attintion to what she says, Fitzy, says another lady. 'Her decayed newspa-aper has no more circulation thin a cucumber. We expict ye to follow th' insthructions printed in our vallyable journal this mornin'.