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The regular friars as well as the secular clergy confess that the mass of the people still finds itself subject to the superstition inherited from our predecessors the superstition which could be called genuinely Philippine, that which comes from the old belief in the nunu, in the asuang, the anito and all the spirits of the old idolatry preached before the implantation of Catholicism by the Spanish missionaries.

Then revolve the cycles that are translated as menstruation, the propulsion, fertilization and implantation of the ova in the uterus, the full development of the fetus, its birth, and feeding after birth all of which are ductless gland controlled.

The hair arrangement, the arch of the eyebrows, the color of the eyes, the complexion, each must play its part in the business. He had worn his hair rather carelessly over his forehead, and plentiful at the back of the head and about the ears. Its line of implantation at the forehead was usually concealed by the hair itself.

John Hunter was the first to perform the implantation of teeth; and Younger the first to transplant the teeth of man in the jaws of man; the initial operation should be called replantation, as it was merely the replacement of a tooth in a socket from which it had accidentally or intentionally been removed. Hunter drilled a hole in a cock's comb and inserted a tooth, and held it by a ligature.

Here it is entirely surrounded by tissue which belongs to the mother. But just before implantation takes place the architecture of the ovum is modified in such a way as to indicate the trend of its subsequent development. We left it, a hollow ball passing down the oviduct; had we examined the sphere more closely we should have found its wall composed of a single layer of cells.

Tyrrel, by his observations, soon enabled us to discover that his religion had altered nothing but his language. He seemed evidently more fond of controversy than of truth, and the whole turn of his conversation indicated that he derived his religious security rather from the adoption of a party, than from the implantation of a new principle. "His discourse is altered," said Mr.

This consciousness arose first in religion, the inmost region of Spirit; but to introduce the principle into the various relations of the actual world involves a more extensive problem than its simple implantation a problem whose solution and application require a severe and lengthened process of culture.

If the forehead needed still more change, the line of implantation could be altered by removing hairs with tweezers; and the same painful but possible means must be used to affect the curvature of the eyebrows. By removing hairs from the tops of the ends, and from the bottom of the middle, he would be able to raise the arch of each eyebrow noticeably.

Restraint from the operation of fear, and better still when practicable, the implantation and growth of moral principle and right feeling, are vastly better preservatives against crimes of every sort, than all the facilities of sensual gratification which Otaheite or any other country can afford.

Brinkley does not claim to be a specialist in gland implantation; he is merely a practicing surgeon who has made a study of the subject and is doing what he can to help unfortunate people. The doctor's modesty until now has hidden his remarkable discovery from the world, but he is now writing a report on his results. Scientists who formerly ignored Dr.