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Updated: August 8, 2024

Having restored things to their former quiet state. Nullis experimentis. Undertaking no military expeditions. Or. Castrorum. Cf. 5, note. Comitate tenuit. "Retained the province by a popular manner of administering the government." Ky. Curandi. Ignoscere. Properly not to notice, hence to view with indulgence, to indulge in. Vitiis blandientibus.

"Cum subita incautum dementia cepit amantem; Ignoscenda quidem, scirent si ignoscere Manes." I will not burthen your lordship with more of them, for I write to a master who understands them better than myself; but I may safely conclude them to be great beauties. And I rather fear a declination of the language than hope an advancement of it in the present age.

'Fuit haud ignobilis Argis, Qui se credebat miros audire tragoedos, In vacuo laetus sessor plausorque theatro; Caetera qui vitae servaret munia recto More; bonus sane vicinus, amabilis hospes, Comis in uxorem; posset qui ignoscere servis, Et signo laeso non insanire lagenae; Posset qui rupem et puteum vitare patentem.

"Quum subita in cantum dementia cepit amantem Ignoscenda quidem scirent si ignoscere manes; Restilit Eurydicengue suam jam luce sub ipsa Immemor heu victusque animi respexit." "Oh, stop that!" cried Walker, and Hatteras laughed. "For God's sake, stop it!"

Didicere jam barbari quoque ignoscere vitiis blandientibus: et interventus civilium armorum praebuit justam segnitiae excusationem: sed discordia laboratum, cum assuetus expeditionibus miles otio lasciviret. Trebellius fuga ac latebris vitata exercitus ira, indecorus atque humilis, precario mox praefuit: ac velut pacti, exercitus licentiam, dux salutem; et seditio sine sanguina stetit.

The painters draw their nymphs in thin and airy habits, but the weight of gold and of embroideries is reserved for queens and goddesses. Virgil is never frequent in those turns, like Ovid, but much more sparing of them in his "AEneis" than in his Pastorals and Georgics. "Ignoscenda quidem, scirent si ignoscere manes."

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