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"Why, what's the matta?" demanded Mrs. Lander in an anguish of interest. The man in the hay-field seemed to think it more dignified to include Lander in this inquiry, and he said with a glimmer of the eye for him, "Hea'd of do-nothin' folks?" "Seen 'em, too," answered Lander, comprehensively. "Well, that a'n't Claxon's complaint exactly. He a'n't a do-nothin'; he's a do-everything.

"Why my foot feels puffectly lost in this one." "All right," the shoeman shouted back. "Call it a numba one shoe and then see if you can't find that lost foot in it, some'eres. Or try a little flour, and see if it won't feel more at home. I've hea'd of a shoe that give that sensation of looseness by not goin' on at all."

"Yes, yes!" she returned, anxiously. "Then you have hea'd" "He came to me last night, and I want to say that I feel myself to blame for what he has done." "You?" "Yes; I. I never spoke of you by name to him; I didn't dream of his ever seeing you, or that he would dare to speak to you of what I told him.

"Why my foot feels puffectly lost in this one." "All right," the shoeman shouted back. "Call it a numba one shoe and then see if you can't find that lost foot in it, some'eres. Or try a little flour, and see if it won't feel more at home. I've hea'd of a shoe that give that sensation of looseness by not goin' on at all."

"Why, what's the matta?" demanded Mrs. Lander in an anguish of interest. The man in the hay-field seemed to think it more dignified to include Lander in this inquiry, and he said with a glimmer of the eye for him, "Hea'd of do-nothin' folks?" "Seen 'em, too," answered Lander, comprehensively. "Well, that a'n't Claxon's complaint exactly. He a'n't a do-nothin'; he's a do-everything.

The farmer said, "Long, red-headed man, kind of sickly-lookin'?" "We didn't see the man " "Little woman, skinny-lookin; pootty tonguey?" "We didn't see her, eitha; but I guess we hea'd her at the back of the house." "Lot o' children, about as big as pa'tridges, runnin' round in the bushes?" "Yes! And a very pretty-appearing girl; about thi'teen or fou'teen, I should think."

Clementina ran around to the back door and out through the front entry in time to save the visitor and the children from the misunderstanding they began to fall into, and met her with a smile of hospitable brilliancy, and a recognition full of compassionate welcome. Mrs. Lander gave way to her tears as she broke out, "Oh, it ain't the way it was the last time I was he'a! You hea'd that he that Mr.

Clementina ran around to the back door and out through the front entry in time to save the visitor and the children from the misunderstanding they began to fall into, and met her with a smile of hospitable brilliancy, and a recognition full of compassionate welcome. Mrs. Lander gave way to her tears as she broke out, "Oh, it ain't the way it was the last time I was he'a! You hea'd that he that Mr.

"I don't believe I'm goin' to be sick, but it's one of my pooa days, and I might just as well be in bed as not." Clementina agreed with her, and Mrs. Lander asked: "You hea'd anything moa?" "No. Mr. Hinkle has just been he'a, but he hadn't any news." Mrs. Lander turned her face toward the wall. "Next thing, he'll be drownin' himself.

People come flying to it from the four quarters of the earth, and the first-comers levy tribute upon them, as the price of standing-room on the magnet!" "I nevah hea'd the real merit and strength and safety of ouah real-estate propositions bettah stated, suh!" said Captain Tolliver ecstatically. Jim stood looking at the General with sober regard. "Go on, General," said he.