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Updated: August 24, 2024

Well, you wouldn't have supposed that he bore me any great love or friendship, or felt kindly disposed towards me? But, he did! About a week after I left the Obstructor General's Office, he came to me I assure you, much to my astonishment offering me his assistance. "Bai-ey Je-ove! Lorton," said he, "sawy to he-ah you have left us, you know ah. Thawght you might be in a hole, you know ah?

"'I's sympensizen wid dem "Sesh" what comed down to ole Massa George's place back yonder for to fotch me and you back to de Missip. De cat done gone. He-ah! he-ah! "'Yes; but you ole fool, dey'd got you if it had not bin for me. I beg you afore you goes to go wid Massa Daniel, you knows I did. "'Yes, Marfa, dat's so. I tole dem all de time dat you knows de bes'. Don't I, Massa Daniel?

White foam was boiling in among the dirty welter, and the Puncher's bow pitched suddenly as the first big bar wave lifted her; a second later her propellers chug-chug-chugged in surface spume as she kicked upward like a porpoise diving. "Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy!" groaned the pilot. "This he-ah watah's full of sharks, an' that's the bar! You're on the bar now, Captain, sah!" "By the mark three!"

She rolled and quivered like a living thing in fear, falling on and off, nosing out a passage on her own account apparently, and seeming to be gathering all her strength for one tremendous effort. "That's bettah, sah! That's bettah, Captain, sah! Go astern! This he-ah's the bar, sah damn bad place, the bar, sah! Go astern, sah. Captain, sah, d'you he-ah me go astern!

The pilot braced both feet against a stanchion and tried to take the weigh off her by pulling. "Half speed, sah! Go slow, sah! Go dead slow, sah! You'll pile up you-ah damn ship, sah! Ah tell you, sah, you'll pile her up as suah as hell, sah! 'Bout a million sharks round he-ah, sah! For the love o' God, sah Captain, sah "

"Get out and swim for it, you bally Englishman!" he ordered, using a boat-hook on the nearest one to make his meaning clear. One by one they jumped for it, the pilot going last. He plainly did not understand the point of view. "Ah'm English!" he expostulated. "Lissen he-ah, Ah'm English! Damwell English!"

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