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This boiling, however, is seldom needed, as the borate is soluble in HCl. From phosphoric acid I always use Girard's method of treatment with tin, using it rasped, and it yields much more accurate results with but little manipulation. When the other acids mentioned above are present in the compound, we treat it as directed there. From silicic acid, by evaporation with hydrochloric acid.

The famous paragraph which describes the moving of the waters of the pool of Bethesda was found in Tertullian's MS. It is also found in the mass of MSS., in the Old Latin and Vulgate, in Syrr. Pst. and Jer., and in some MSS. of Memph. Crt., Theb., Memph. Tertullian gives the name of the pool as Bethsaida with B, Vulg., c, Syr. Hcl., Memph. John v. 43. Recepistis, perf. for pres.

arsenious oxide Ethyl dichlor by sulphur arsine by dioxide HCl and iodine Conversion of H8chst paraformalde hyde to sym dichlor methyl ether by means The above analysis can leave us with no doubt in our minds that the organic chemical industry is the logical place for efficient chemical warfare production.

Reduction of Lever- Conversion to Lever- Reduction of A.G.F.A. Phenyl arjinic kusen Diphenylar- kusen Diphenylar- Hochst acid to Phenyl and sinic acid by and sinic acid to arsenious oxide Hochst treatment Hijchst Diphenyl: with Diazo chlor-arsine benzene by Sulphur dioxide in HCl solution Ethyl arsinic wigs- Ethyl arseni acid to Ethyl hafen ous Oxide to

Calculate the percentage of potassium oxide in an impure sample of potassium carbonate from the following data: Weight of sample = 1.00 gram; HCl sol. used = 55.90 cc.; NaOH sol. used = 0.42 cc.; 1 cc. NaOH sol. = 0.008473 gram of KHC O .H C O .2H O; 2 cc. HCl sol. = 5 cc. NaOH sol. !Answer!: 65.68%. NaOH solution = 1.190 cc. HCl solution. !Answer!: 97.97%.

Warington suggested that some HCl gas should be simultaneously passed with the nitrogen and hydrogen, and that the temperature of the spongy platinum should be kept just below the temperature at which NH3 dissociates, in order to improve the yield of NH3. "On the Oxidation of Organic Matter in Water" by A. Downes.

Pst. and Hcl., Memph., Arm., Aeth.; for the reversed order, 'Blessed are the meek' and 'Blessed are they that mourn, are ranged D, 33, Vulg., a, c, f'1, g'1, h, k, l, Syr. Crt., Clem., Orig., Eus., Bas. The balance is probably on the side of the received reading, as the opposing authorities are mostly Western, but they too make a formidable array. The confusion in the text of St.

Hence I think the numbers above given conclusively demonstrate the resemblance between this oil and rape oil in composition. The Fatty Acids. The acids produced by adding HCl to the potash soap were almost entirely insoluble in water. The actual amount of potash required to neutralize the acid in the wash water equaled 0.20 per cent. of the oil originally taken.

The precipitate formed is transferred to the filter and well washed with water containing NH Cl and NH O, then dissolved in hydrochloric acid and reprecipitated with ammonia, filtering and washing as before. It is again dissolved in HCl and titrated with uranium solution, or decomposed by tin, as noted below, and the manganese precipitated as binoxide with chlorine, and determined.

John i. 13. Non ex sanguine nec ex voluntate carnis nec ex voluntate viri, sed ex deo natus est. Matthew, in Augustine, and three times in Irenaeus. John iii. 36. So b, e, g, Syr. Pst., Memph., Aeth., Iren., Cypr.; against a, c, d, f, ff, Syrr. Crt. and Hcl., etc. John v. 3, 4.