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The old man lived in one of the unpainted sheds back of the farmhouse and puttered about all day in the fields. Mook the half-wit lived happily. With childlike faith he believed in the intelligence of the animals that lived in the sheds with him, and when he was lonely held long conversations with the cows, the pigs, and even with the chickens that ran about the barnyard.

Two were Space Force lieutenants; the third was a youngish civilian with close-cropped blond hair, in a checked woolen shirt. Tony Lattimer and his helpers. "Don't tell me Martha finally got something out of that stuff?" he asked, approaching the table. He might have been commenting on the antics of the village half-wit, from his tone. "Yes; the name of one of the Martian months."

It is certain that William Longstreet knew that steam could be used as a motive power long before it was so applied; and because he employed a good deal of his time in trying to discover the principle, he was ridiculed by his neighbors and friends, and the more thoughtless among them didn't know whether he was a crank, a half-wit, or a "luny."

Soothed by the ironing of his aching back and comforted by the tray of nourishing and appetizing food, he had dropped into a doze early in the evening from which he had only awakened to congratulate himself on the treasure of a Swedish maid he had at last found. "She is almost a half-wit," he had said to himself, "but she can cook and clean and seems to have the kindest heart in the world.

She had forgotten Greeley; forgotten all but the man upon the bed. "Slowly, slowly!" she whispered; "we've won! we've won! There! there! It's going to be all right from now on the charm's worked!" Awed and afraid, Greeley tiptoed from the house, and all the way back to the waiting County Club he muttered like a half-wit: "Fighting a worm! Fighting a worm!"

Once upon a time, writing a little piece on another subject, I advanced the claim that the champion half-wit of all poetic anthology was Sweet Alice, who, as described by Mr. English, wept with delight when you gave her a smile, and trembled in fear at your frown. This of course was long before Prohibition came in.