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Updated: August 25, 2024

Your top-gallant masts are supposed to be on deck.” “I would first furl all and run under the storm forestay sail, unfid the topmasts going in, and have a long range of both bower cables on deck, and the sheet anchor ready.

As Horton spoke, the object of his solicitude, with incredible speed, slid down the forestay and disappeared through the scuttle of the forecastle. "Please, sir, listen to me." "All right; only be quick, and don't talk such nonsense about it's being murder."

A few rounds settled the matter; Parmiter had to confess that he had had enough, and Desmond, flinging his breeches to him, sat down tingling among his mates, who greeted the close of the fight with spontaneous and unrestrained applause. Next day Parmiter was in the foretop splicing the forestay.

A glimmer of light, reflected from below, was wavering over the mizzen-mast and bumpkin; it had nothing to do with the riding-light, which hung on the forestay. My prowler, I understood, had struck a match and was reading the name on the stern. How much farther would his curiosity carry him? The match went out, and footsteps were audible again.

It made a fairly good sea-anchor, with the forestay strong as any chain for a cable, and she lay snug under the haphazard breakwater and benefited by the protection, as the seas must first break their heads over the wreckage before reaching her.

He underwent a thorough examination. "And this, I see, must be the topmast backstay; and this the forestay; and that the topmast stay. Is it not so?" he asked. Thus he went on, rapidly learning not only the names, but the uses of all the ropes, and of everything on deck.

We ran before it; we were already over-canvased, and she buried her nose every time, so that I feared I should next be cold in the water, seeing England from the top of a wave. Every time she rose the jib let out a hundredweight of sea-water; the sprit buckled and cracked, and I looked at the splice in the forestay to see if it yet held.

A crescent moon on the forestay, and another on the backstay of a vessel with seven oars a side, may point to a two months' voyage, while a disc over the beak of another which has no oars at all may indicate one of a year's duration, or perhaps, more probably, one of a complete month.

The whole ship seemed to burst asunder and shut again, the flame of the explosion went wavering up the rigging, and I found myself hanging on to the forestay and dangling over emptiness.

"I think there is a blacker spot than the rest over the starboard bow," said Bob, after a while. "There are some blue signal-lights here. I'll ignite one," suggested Jack. Retiring under shelter of the companionway he struck a light and ignited the blue fire. Clambering on to the bulwarks, and holding on to the forestay with one hand, he held it above his head.

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