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Updated: July 31, 2024

In the other is Duke Orazio taking as his wife the daughter of King Henry of France, with this inscription: HENRICUS II, VALESIUS, GALLORUM REX, HORATIO FARNESIO CASTRI DUCI DIANAM FILIAM IN MATRIMONIUM COLLOCAT, ANNO SALUTIS 1552.

Paulus, iv, 9, 1-9. Gaius, i, 145. Ulpian, Tit., x, 5. Gaius, i, 137. For an example see Pliny, Letters, viii, 18. Cf. Spartianus. Didius Iulianus, 8: filiam suam, potitus imperio, dato patrimonio, emancipaverat. If emancipated children insulted or injured their parents, they lost their independence Codex, 8, 49 , 1. Ulpian, Tit., viii, 7a.

Instances of daughters being left heiresses of whole estates may be found, e.g., in Dig., 28, 2, 19: cum quidam filiam ex asse heredem scripsisset filioque, quem in potestate habebat, decem legasset, etc. Or the example mentioned by Scaevola in Dig., 41, 9, 3: Duae filiae intestato patri heres exstiterunt, etc.

Gaius, i, 110 and 111. Paulus, ii, xix, 8. Pliny, Letters, i, 14, will furnish an example; cf. id. vi, 26, to Servianus: Gaudeo et gratulor, quod Fusco Salinatori filiam tuam destinasti. Paulus in Dig., 23, 2, 2: Nuptiae consistere non possunt, nisi consentiunt omnes, id est, qui coeunt quorumque in potestate sunt. Julianus in Dig., 23, 1, 11. Ulpian in Dig., 23, 1, 12. Paulus in Dig., 23, 1, 13.

In the thirteenth book Pomponia Graecina is described as changing not her weeds nor her lamenting spirit for "forty" years, mourning, too, as she was, not for a husband, a son or a father, but Julia, the daughter of Drusus, who was murdered by Messalina. "Nam post Juliam, Drusi filiam, dolo Messalinae interfectam, per 'quadraginta' annos, non cultu nisi lugubri, non animo nisi moesto egit."

Augustine, de Civit. Dei, iii, 21: nam tunc, id est inter secundum et postremum bellum Carthaginiense, lata est etiam illa lex Voconis, ne quis heredem feminam faceret, nec unicam filiam. Dio, 56, 10. Aulus Gellius, xx, 1, 23. According to Dio, 56, 10, it was Augustus who in the year 9 A.D. gave women permission to inherit any amount. Fully treated in Dig., 35, 2.

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