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But the game was discontinued, and Hamilcar Jones and Tilley Newcamp were loud in their excoriations of their late antagonist. The Congregationalists had no hotter adherents than they, nor none who entered the conflict with more bitterness of spirit. Scattergood saw to it that he encountered them on the evening before the momentous town meeting. "Evenin', Ham. Evening Tilley."

An infant's clothes, napkins especially, ought never to be washed with soda; the washing of napkins with soda is apt to produce excoriations and breakings-out. Who is the proper person to wash and dress the babe?

V. Excoriations, bruises, and rents in the lower part of the womb are often occasioned by the violent distention and separation of the caruncles in a woman's labour. For the healing whereof,

They are also liable to disorders that require prompt and careful attention, such as inflammations, excoriations, itchings and swellings of the genital organs with discharges from these parts resembling leucorrhoea. All such conditions lead them to more or less rub and scratch these parts which should never be touched for relief.

Fixing my eyes steadily upon his left cheek, which was traversed by four parallel excoriations showing blood, I said: "How would it do to trim its nails?" I do.

His moleskins were black with smoke and charcoal; his flannel shirt, open at the neck, showed red scratches and scorch-marks on the exposed chest and was torn over the arms, where were more excoriations of the flesh. And the ravaged face! How hard it was. How relentless, even in the utter abandonment of bodily exhaustion! The skin was caked with black dust and sweat.

If you had but been as quiet as a log, as you call yourself, I should have saved some excoriations on my hands and knees." "You are a soldier," replied his fellow-prisoner; "do you complain on account of a fall for which a boy would not bemoan himself?" "A soldier?" said the Captain; "and how do you know, in this cursed dark cavern, that I am a soldier?"

This will serve as a basis for other plasters, and is generally applied in slight wounds and excoriations of the skin. It keeps the part warm and supple, and defends it from the air, which is all that is necessary in such cases.

After a month's residence on the sea shore I was, on the return of my patient, again requested to examine these ulcers, which I found very nearly in the same state as before, only with the addition of some excoriations. I recommended the cold poultice for a few days to allay inflammation, and then tried Mr.

I have forgotten to say that water was running down the air-way like a little mill-stream, though it was barely over shoe-tops. We scrambled on with the deadly gas following us, sucked and drawn along by the draught of air. I was last but one and was saved many of the bruises and excoriations which befell the leader.