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They espress they'se'ves to me as they agent that they like to confawm some prearrangement with you, sah." "Are you all on one plantation?" "Oh, no, sah, they ain't ezac'ly on no plantation. Me? Ob, I been a-goin' to the Freedman' Bureau school in Pulaski City as they agent. "Sah? Yass, sah, at they espenses p-he! "They? They mos'ly strowed round in the woods in pole cabins an' bresh arbors. Sah?

I has been entitle Slick an' Slippery Leggett an' yit what has I always espress myseff? Gen'lemen, they must be sufficiend plenty o' chicken-pie to go round. An', Mr. March, if she don't be round, she won't go round.

Mahch, I'm impudize to espress to you in behalfs o' a vas' colo'ed constituency but speakin' th'oo a small ban' o' they magnates with me as they sawt o' janizary chairman that Gen'l Halliday seem to be ti-ud o' us an' done paass his bes' dotage, an' likewise the groun's an' debasements on an' faw which we be proud to help you depopulate yo' lan's, yass, seh, with all conceivable ligislation thereunto."

White man ain't eveh goin' to lif hisseff up by holdin' niggeh down, an' that's the pyo chaotic truth; now, ain't it?" "Best way is to hang the nigger up." "Aw, Mr. March, you a-jokin'! You know I espress the truth.

"No, seh, I ain't dead-sho' who you is, but I has ezamine yo' hoss, an' whilce I wouldn' swear you ah Mr. Pettigrew, thass the premonition I espec' to espress to my frien' Mr. March, lessn you tell me now, an' tell me true, who you ah. "Yass, seh, I thought so. Yass, seh.

"Gen'l, I has the honor to espress to you, sah, my thanks faw the way you espress yo'self in yo' letteh on the concerns an' prospec's o' we' colo'ed people, sah. An likewise, they's thousands would like to espress the same espressions, sah." "Oh, that's all right." "Gen'l, I represents a quantity of ow people what's move' down into Blackland fum Rosemont and other hill places.

Five minutes later they had reached it, and were being wildly welcomed by the two professors and Washington White, who had advanced to meet them. "I 'clar t' goodness-gladness!" exclaimed the colored man, "I am suttinly constrained t' espress my approbation ob de deleterous manner in which yo' all has come back t' dis continuous territory." "Do you mean you're glad to see us, Wash?" asked Jack.

And if Francoise then, inspired like a poet with a flood of confused reflections upon bereavement, grief, and family memories, were to plead her inability to rebut my theories, saying: "I don't know how to espress myself" I would triumph over her with an ironical and brutal common sense worthy of Dr.

"Yaas, sah, livin' on game an' fish. Sah? "Yaas, sah. "But they espress they doubts that the Gove'ment ain't goin' to give 'em no fahms, an' they like to comprise with you, Gen'l, ef you please, sah, to git holt o' some fahms o' they own, you know; sawt o' payin' faw'm bes' way they kin; yass, sah. As you say in yo' letteh, betteh give 'm lan's than keep 'em vagabones; yass, sir.

She puttend to be tarrible shocked well, o' co'se thass right! Hid away in the hills at Rosemont. But I kin git her on a day's notice. All I got to espress myself is Majo' Gyarnit, seh!