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Aline, and none of them know that I know egcep' those Castanado'. "Well! sinze chilehood those three Mélanie, De l'Isle, Dubroca, they are playmate' together, and Dubroca he's always call' Mélanie his swit-heart. But De l'Isle, no.

The speaker smiled benignly. "Hah! many year' they work' my geniuz hard to make iron candlestick' orig-in-al diz-ign for wedding-present'. The moze of them, they marrie' without any romanze, egcep' what cann' be av-oid', inside the heart, when both partie' are young, and in love together, and not rich neither deztitute. But year biffo' laz' we have the romanze of that daughter of Mme.

'Twas easy to see 'tis to Mlle. Aline he's in love and he come talk to Mélanie biccause tha'z the nearess he can reach to Mlle. Aline egcep' juz' saying good-day whiles passing on street or at church door. Oh, he behave the perfec' gen'leman, and still tha'z one reason she get that li'l' 'Ector. Yes, we all see that, only Mélanie she don't. So Mlle.

Ad the present she know' you only sinze a few week'. She don't know none of yo' hiztorie, neither yo' familie egcep' that h-angel of the Lord. Yo' char-acter, she may like that very well yet same time she know' how easy that is for women to make miztake' about.

Kincaid glanced joyfully to Flora, but her horrified gaze held him speechless. "Now," she softly asked, "who is the helplezz the cage' the doom'? You 'ave kill' me." "I'll save you! There's good fighting yet, if " "H-oh! already, egcep' inside me, I'm dead." "Not by half! There's time for a last shot and I've seen it win!"

He told her in confidence that "Profess-or Frowenfel'" was the best man in the world; but she boldly said, taking pains to speak with a tear-and-a-half of genuine gratitude, "Egcep' Monsieur Honoré Grandissime," and he assented, at first with hesitation and then with ardor.