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"No," Witherspoon answered, "let us get to Dura as soon as we can. I've got a fever, haven't I?" DeGolyer leaned over and placed his hand on Witherspoon's forehead. "Yes, you have." "The truth is, I haven't felt altogether right since the first day after we started, but I thought it would wear off." When they reached Dura, Witherspoon was delirious.

He, and others equally gifted with the dura ilia messorum , swallowed huge collops of the raw animal, and vast heaps of yellow turnips, till the pity with which a stranger would at first be inclined to contemplate the consumer of such unsavoury food, is transferred to the victim who has to provide the meal at two shillings a head.

Laudatur, my dear Smiles, et alget. Paupertas, dura paupertas I might, perhaps, satisfy the curious gazer by producing the er pawntickets for the missing articles. But it would hardly eh, I put it to you?" "No, it wouldn'," decided Sam. "But it's unfort'nit all the same, an' in more ways'n one. You see, there's a nasty 'abit folks 'ave in these parts.

A number of organs of various sizes and structures working together for some special object. Something connected with a part. The watery fluid occupying the space between the cornea and crystalline lens of the eye. The thin covering of the brain and spinal cord, between the dura mater and the pia mater. Arbor Vitæ.

Now we could reason back from one experimentum crucis cooked by him. Effect and cause were worthy of each other. The average world must be revenged upon Genius. Greatness must be punished by itself or another. Joseph Bourgogne was no exception to the laws of the misery of Genius. He had a distressing trait, whose exhibition tickled the dura ilia of the reapers of the forest.

They tell the story of "a youth who had a very small wound made by a thrown stone and there seemed no serious results or bad signs. He died the next day, however. His cranium was opened and a large amount of black blood was found coagulated about his dura mater." There are many interesting things said with regard to depressed fractures and the necessity for elevating the bone.

Did these women do right in disobeying that monarch? What was the conduct of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, when Nebuchadnezzar set up a golden image in the plain of Dura, and commanded all people, nations, and languages, to fall down and worship it? Did these men do right in disobeying the law of their sovereign? Let their miraculous deliverance from the burning fiery furnace, answer; Dan. iii.

He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. Then he sent for the officers, the governors, the judges, the treasurers, and all the rulers of the provinces. So they all came together and stood before the image that Nebuchadrezzar had set up.

If, however, haemorrhage prevents the immediate removal of the fragments, this interference may be deferred for a day or two, until the bleeding has stopped or has been checked by suitable remedies. Then, after their removal, the piece of linen described above is to be inserted between the cranium and dura mater.

"Only just thus far, my leddy," continued Mause, firmly, "that prelacy is like the great golden image in the plain of Dura, and that as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were borne out in refusing to bow down and worship, so neither shall Cuddy Headrigg, your leddyship's poor pleughman, at least wi' his auld mither's consent, make murgeons or Jenny-flections, as they ca' them, in the house of the prelates and curates, nor gird him wi' armour to fight in their cause, either at the sound of kettle-drums, organs, bagpipes, or ony other kind of music whatever."